GH Profiles Flashcards
Steep turn profile (45deg at 250kts)
-once pass 30degs bank increase to 4.5degs from 3
-increase EPR from 1.18 to 1.24/5
-scan VSI
Climb config for visual circuit
-10deg NU
-climb thrust
-flap 5
-MCP Vref + 40
-30deg bank
Level off config circuit
-7.5deg NU
-EPR 1.18
-After take off checks
Start of downwind config circuit
-flap 5 at Vref30 + 40
-descent/approach checks
Abeam landing threshold configuration
-timer start (fly for wind correction)
-gear down, flap 20, speed brake
-Vref30 + 20
-5.5deg NU
Time correction
45 sec plus or minus half the head wind component
Turning final configuration
-flap 30
-Vref 30 +5
-landing checks
Rod of visual circuit turning final
Power for……and pitch for….
Power for speed and pitch for glideslope
Spacing for circuit and downwind
Nose high recovery
-disconnect automatics (manual thrust, manual throttle)
-apply nose down
-reduce thrust
-roll shortest wings level
-slowly recover to wings level, add thrust and pitch
Nose low recovery
-disconnect automatics
-roll shortest direction to wings level
-recover to level flight
-adjust pitch, trim and drag as needed
What to announce in an unusual attitude
Stall or attitude
Standard call before executing recovery
High or low pitch = “pitch”
Excess bank = “roll”
Over/under speed = “thrust”
Normal flight post recovery = “stabilise”