GFF Pin Escapes Flashcards
100 No Video - What are the 2 methods of pin escape? What is the higher percentage and majority we will be learning?
Reversal from bottom to top and recovering guard position. Recovering guard position
101 No Video - What are the 3 top body movements in pin escapes?
*Bridging *Shrimping *Back heisting
102 30:00 - No video Do you want to bridge straight up?
No you want to bridge asymmetrical meaning on one shoulder. This get your ops weight off
103 No video - 57:46 - 3 modes of escape?
*Escape to neutral position *Complete reversal *Back in to guard
104 No video - What’s a positive escape?
When we go directly into offense
- turtle defense - We are in turtle and Shoulder roll from when ops is on our right hand side - bottom guard.mp4
- Bottom mount - ops stops upa with free arm to cross center line and 2nd ops stops Upa by moving head away from sweep side. How do we prevent this? - top guard
- Bottom mount - oB-arm Cross face on us. We over hook oA-arm and upa towards A-side. Ops stops the upa. We then decide to upa towards B-side *misdirection - top guard.mp4
- Bottom mount - Ops locks feet on mount. How do we peel the lock feet before the elbow escape - bottom guard.mp4
- Bottom mount - Hip bump to get into elbow escape when ops cross faces. Using the rising shrimp - bottom guard.mp4
- Bottom side control - Ops tries to slide knee across our belly into full mount - bottom guard.mp4
- Bottom side control - Ops knee slides and we jump to the other leg. This is the short route where we control ops knee instead of starting at the ankle - bottom butterfly guard.mp4
- Bottom side control - ops try’s to step over into mount and we attack leg that becomes lighter *foot scrape - bottom butterfly guard.mp4
- Bottom side control - B-forearm framing oB-hip. A-arm over hook - using a bridge against cross face to get knee inside ops - bottom guard.mp4
25 No video - 59:20 - What are the 2 most common effective ways to move ops head to the same side of their hips when ops is in side control?
- bicep cross face - forearm cross face
- Bottom side control - Cross face relief by bumping ops forward *uses hand to push on ops leg and create space to get incoming knee all the way across- bottom guard
- Bottom side control - How do we use a bridge bicep cross face to relieve ops cross face into full guard - bottom guard .mp4
- Bottom side control - Ops blocks hip with arm which defeats us bringing in our knee. Ops has a reverse cross face. What do we do? - bottom guard
- Bottom Side control - Beating the cross face when we have a high-underhook - single leg.mp4
- Bottom Side control - Ops cross face pressure is too tight to get forearm frame. How can we use the forearm and arm pit frame *crunch for forearm frame. Bump and hip out into single leg - single leg.mp4
- Failed single leg - Elbow on the ground single leg circle around. Ankle grab and switch to the double - side control.mp4
33.a. 32:40 No video. When going for the single. Do we want to wrap arm around the waist?
don’t go around the waist
33.b. 40:40 - No video. When circling on the single leg you do you want to have asymmetrical hips to put more pressure on your ops thigh and hip?
- Failed single leg - Getting to the back from ops strong wizard *slipping out of strong wizard - back take offense.mp4
- Failed single leg - Failed single leg into deep half guard sweep - top half guard.mp4
- Bottom Half guard - Ops removes wizard and post their hand when we start sweeping from deep half- back take offense .mp4
- ( !D ) Bottom side control - Failed single leg when ops sprawls to butterfly sweep *we can’t hook half guard so we go straight in for the butterfly hook- top side control.mp4
- Bottom side control - Failed Single leg to butterfly guard *knee kick - bottom guard || butterfly guard .mp4
- Bottom side control - Side control to arm bar - top arm bar.mp4
- 4..23 - bottom side control - Failed arm bar bottom side control - bottom guard.mp4
- Bottom side control - Thumb technique from bottom side control *slipping out of a tight shirt - arm bar || bottom guard.mp4
- Bottom side control - Getting your forearm frame in front of ops chest into a tight squeeze - bottom side control.mp4
- Bottom side control - A-arm has under hook and B-forearm frame on oB-hip - scoop and scoot sweep from deep half - back take offense || top side control.mp4
- Bottom side control - A-arm has under hook and B-forearm frame on oB-hip - better angle view of using scoop and scoot deep half guard sweep - side control.mp4
45 No video - 44:39 - When using a rising shrimp with elbow escape. What’s the height difference between knee and foot on the first sliding leg?
Point the knee downwards and foot higher than knee image
- Bottom Side control - B-forearm frame on ops neck. A-arm has underhook. Turn away into inverted *bump to free A-elbow *move oB-hand to A-hip- bottom guard.mp4
- Bottom Side control - A-hand on oA-trap. B-frame on ob-hip - Reverse shrimp to inverted - bottom guard.mp4
- Bottom side control - How can we use a prop to get out of side control? *bridge to get B-hand under oB-armpit * use thumb technique to raise oB-arm - bottom guard
49 No video - 3:00 - The sit out side control is an effective way to hold ops. What’s more effective the over under sitout or the head and arm sit out?
Over under sit out because it reduces back exposure. Head and arm is good but only for short periods
- Bottom side control - Ops sits towards our head with over under. What’s an early escape? - bottom guard .mp4
- Bottom side control - Ops sits towards our head with over under. What’s a late escape? - bottom guard .mp4
- Bottom side control - A-forearm frame on ops neck. B-underhook - Reverse shrimp for when ops sits out toward our head and he moves with us *hip jump to away to create space then bigger reverse shrimp- bottom guard.mp4
- Bottom side control - Ops sits out towards our feet with a reverse cross face. We fake bridge to full guard - bottom guard.mp4
- Bottom side control - Ops sits out towards our feet with a reverse cross face. Ops is controlling our knee making it hard for us to bridge. How can we recover guard - bottom guard.mp4
- Bottom side control - ops steps over our body to get into full mount. How can we use this to our advantage to sweep and come on top - top guard.mp4
- 24..38 - bottom side control - oA-arm has underhook and oB-arm reverse cross face - ops steps over our body to get into full mount. Late anticipation step over defense to Upa - top guard.mp4
- Bottom side control - ops steps over our body to get into full mount. We take advantage of ops light leg to get into half guard *foot scrape - sitting butterfly guard.mp4
- 33..34 - Knee on belly defense - bump to single leg - side control .mp4
- Knee on belly defense - foot grab to half sweep when ops put leg out wide - top half guard.mp4
- Knee on belly defense - we foot grab but Ops puts knee on floor before we can push over to the opposite side - bottom guard.mp4
- Bottom side control - A-arm frame on ops neck. B-forearm on ops oB-hip -Early anticipation north south defense - bottom guard .mp4
- Bottom north south - A-hand and B-hand on ops ribs. A-forearm and B-forearm under ops armpits - Double over defense inverted to full guard - bottom guard .mp4
- Bottom North south - our triceps placed on ops triceps. Our hands are on ops hips - Double over defense - into single leg - top side control .mp4
- Bottom North south - Ops and your triceps are touching. Your hands are on ops ribs - double over defense when ops blocks knees coming in - bottom guard.mp4
- Bottom north south - 2nd part of video number 64 Double over defense when ops spins behind us - bottom guard.mp4
- Bottom north south - B-forearm under ops oA-armpit. Ops and i other tricep are touching. Over half-under defense punch through or knee on bicep escape - bottom guard.mp4
- Defense Crab ride - what if ops hands locked in seat belt grip? What if ops has a cross collar grips? - defense crab ride.mp4
- 11..50 - Back take defense - leg battle - back take defense.mp4
69 13:22 - No Video - Using your foot to stand on their foot while scooting hip over
- 13..27 - Back take defense - elbow to floor detail - butterfly guard .mp4
- 17..09 - Back take defense - Back head battle - back take defense.mp4
- Back take defense - Fighting either leg or head battle first and their steps - back take defense.mp4
- 29..12 - crab ride bottom- using the crab ride to escape back take on the choke side - bottom guard.mp4
- 34..01 - Turtle defense - ops has legs in trying to stretch you out - back take / crab defense.mp4
75.a. No video - What should we do when ops tries to stop this move by posting hands on the floor?
The hands won’t stop from rolling
- 42..48 - Turtle defense - shoulder roll through to mount - top mount .mp4
77 No video - 46:45 - Do you want to shoulder roll when in turtle and ops has a seat belt grip?
- 45..19 - Turtle defense - ops removes tight waist into shoulder roll - bottom guard.mp4
- 55..25 - Turtle defense - tight waist shoulder roll pushing away ops elbow - bottom guard *we try to invert but get stacked- bottom guard.mp4
- 1..02..15 - Turtle defense - control ops hand to our hip into shoulder roll - bottom guard.mp4
- 1..11..33 - Turtle defense - leg hook to roll - come on top || butterfly guard bottom *dog peeing to leg hook.mp4
- 1..15..32 - Turtle defense - ops oB-knee is down and oA-foot is posted by our head - knee to knee leg hook to fat man roll - butterfly guard bottom.mp4
- 1..19..33 - Turtle defense - Make sure we control choke hand. Pushing ops leg closer for a hook and roll escape - bottom butterfly guard.mp4