GettingStarted L119-L129 Flashcards
L119.01 Ella va a la iglesia todas las semanas.
L119.01 She goes to church every week.
L119.02 Mis niños van a la iglesia conmigo todas las semanas.
L119.02 My children go to church with me every week.
L119.03 ¿Van untedes a la iglesia todas las semanas?
L119.03 Do you all go to church every week?
L119.04 Sí, nosotros siempre vamos a la iglesia.
L119.04 Yes, we always go to church.
L119.05 Nosotros no podemos camiar a la iglesia.
L119.05 We are not able to (we cannot) walk to church.
L119.06 Ustedes cargan los libros a la escuela todos los días.
L119.06 You all carry the books to school every day.
L119.07 Yo no puedo leer el libro.
L119.07 I am not able to (I cannot) read the book.
L119.08 Mi hermano quiere agua porque tiene sed.
L119.08 My brother wants water because he is thirsty.
L119.09 El señor Jones nunca va a la iglesia.
L119.09 Mr. Jones never goes to church.
L119.10 ¿Quieres el periíódico hoy?
L119.10 Do you want the newspaper today? (no pronoun, familiar)
L120.01 Yo quiero leer libros, pero no puedo ir a la biblioteca.
L120.01 I want to read books but I am not able to (I cannot) go to the library.
L120.02 Mis amigos van a la biblioteca todas las semanas.
L120.02 My friends go to the library every week.
L120.03 ¿Quieres tú ir a la biblioteca?
L120.03 Do you want to go to the library? (informal)
L120.04 ¿Quiere usted ir a la biblioteca?
L120.04 Do you want to go to the library? (formal)
L120.05 No, yo no quiero leer libros hoy, pero puedo ir a la biblioteca con usted mañana.
L120.05 No, I do not want to read books today, but I am able to (I can) go to the library with you tomorrow.
L120.06 Yo quiero unos libros de la biblioteca.
L120.06 I want some books from the library.
L120.07 Nosotros nunca vamos a la iglesia, pero necesitamos ir todas las semanas.
L120.07 We never go to church, but we need to go every week.
L120.08 Mis perros no pueden leer el perioódico.
L120.08 My dogs are not able to (they cannot) read the newspaper.
L120.09 Él siempre carga un perioódico.
L120.09 He always carries a newspaper.
L120.10 El perro tiene el periódico de mi papá.
L120.10 The dog has my dad’s newspaper.
L122.01 Mis padres van a menudo al centro comercial para comprar ropa.
L122.01 My parents often go to the mall to buy clothes.
L122.02 Él nunca va a la biblioteca a leer libros y periódicos.
L122.02 He never goes to the library to read books and newspapers.
L122.03 Mi hija va a la biblioteca para leer libros todos los días.
L122.03 My daughter goes to the library to read books every day.
L122.04 Yo voy al centro comercial todas las semanas a ver a mis amigos.
L122.04 I go to the mall every week to see my friends.
L122.05 Tú vas a la tienda todos los días para trabajar.
L122.05 You go to the store every day to work. (informal)
L122.06 Ella siempre va al parque a caminar.
L122.06 She always goes to the park to walk.
L122.07 Nosotros vamos a la iglesia todas las semanas.
L122.07 We go to church ebvery week.
L122.08 Ustedes no pueden comprar un carro.
L122.08 You all are not able to (you all cannot) buy a car.
L122.09 Todos los días yo camino a la biblioteca para leer libros.
L122.09 Every day I walk to the library to read books.
L122.10 Ellas necesitan ir al centro comercial a comprar ropa.
L122.10 They need to go to the mall to buy clothes.
L123.01 Nosotros vamos al restaurante todas las semanas.
L123.01 We go to the restaurant every week.
L123.02 Yo voy al restaurante a menudo para comer con mis amigos.
L123.02 I go to the restaurant often to eat with my friends.
L123.03 Mi familia va al restaurante a comer todas las semanas.
L123.03 My family goes to the restaurant to eat every week.
l123.04 ¿Quieres tú ir al restaurante para comer?
L123.04 Do you want to go to the restaurant to eat? (familiar)
L123.05 ¡Sí, yo quiero comer porque tengo hambre!
L123.05 Yes, I want to eat because I am hungry.
L123.06 Nosotros no podemos ir al restaurante hoy porque no tenemos dinero.
L123.06 We are not able to (we cannot) go to the restaurant today because we do not have money.
L123.07 Él no tiene su perióico, pero tiene sus libros.
L123.07 He does not have his newspaper, but he has his books.
L123.08 Yo nunca voy a la iglesia, pero voy a mi trabajo todos los días.
L123.08 I never go to church, but I go to my job every day.
L123.09 ¿Lee usted un libro todas las semanas?
L123.09 Do you want to go to the todas las to eat? (familiar)
L123.10 Sí, yo leo dos libros todas las semanas.
L123.10 Yes, I read two books every week.
L124.01 Ellos van al restaurante para comer todas las nocvhes.
L124.01 They go to the restaurant to eat every night.
L124.02 Yo quiero ir al restaurante esta noche.
L124.02 I want to go to the restaurant tonight.
L124.03 Las mujeres quieren ir a la iglesia esta noche.
L124.03 The women want to go to church tonight.
L124.04 ¿Quieres tú ir a la biblioteca conmigo esta noche?
L124.04 Do you want to go to the library with me tonight? (informal)
L124.05 El señor Smith siempre carga el periódico al parque.
L124.05 Mr. Smith always carries the newspaper to the park.
L124.06 ¿Podemos ir al centro comercial para comprar ropa esta noche?
L124.06 Are we able to (can we) go to the mall to buy clothes tonight?
L124.07 No, pero tú puedes ir a la biblioteca a leer tu libro.
L124.07 No, but you are able to (you can) go to the library to read your book.
L124.08 Nosotros no queremos ir a la iglesia esta noche.
L124-08 We do not want to go to church tonight.
L124.09 Nosotros queremos caminar al parque todas las noches.
L124.09 We want to walk to the park every night.
L124.10 Él nunca va a la escuela sin sus libros.
124.10 He never goes to school without his books.
L125.01 Yo desayuno todos los días.
L125.01 I have breakfast every day.
L125.02 Mi familia desayuna todos los días.
L125.02 My family has breakfast every day.
L125.03 Yo quiero desayunar, pero nosotros no tenemos comida.
L125.03 I want to have breakfast, but we do not have food.
L125.04 ¿Quieres desayunar conmigo hoy?
L125.04 Do you want to have breakfast with me today? (informal, no pronoun))
L125.05 Tus padres van al restaurante a comer todas las noches.
L125.05 Your parents go to the restaurant to eat every night. (informal)
L125.06 Él quiere ir a un restaurante para desayunar.
L125.06 He wants to go to a restaurant to have breakfast.
L125.07 Él quiere ir a un restaurante a desaynar.
L125.07 He wants to go to a restaurant to hage breakfast.
L125.08 Yo quiero comprar un carro, pero no tengo dinero.
L125-08 I wanmt to buy a car but I do not have money.
L125.09 Udstedes quieren desayunar porque tienen hambre.
L125.09 You all want to have breakfast because you all are hungry.
L125.10 Yo cargo comida conmigo todos los días.
L125.10 I carry food with me every day.
L126.01 Yo no quiero trabajar esta mañana.
L126.01 I do not want to work this morning.
L126.02 Mi familia desayuna conmigo todos las mañanas.
L126.02 My family has breakfast with me every morning.
L126.03 Mi hermana va a la escuela todas las mañanas.
L126.03 My sister goes to school every morning.
L126.04 Nosotros desayunamos todas las mañanas.
L126.04 We have breakfast every morning.
L126.05 Yo quiero desayunar con mi familia esta mañana.
L126.05 I want to have breakfast with my family this morning.
L126.06 Mi padre lee el periódicao todas las mañanas.
L126.06 My father reads the newspaper every morning.
L126.07 Ellos quieren ir al restaurante todas las mañanas a desayunar.
L126.07 They want to go to the restaurant every morning to have breakfast.
L126.08 ¿Va usted a la playa a menudo con su familia?
L126.08 Do you go to the beach often with your family? (formal)
L126.09 No, nosotros nunca vamos a la playa, pero vamos al parque a menudo.
L126.09 No, we never go to the beach, but we go to the park often.
L126.10 Yo bebo agua todas las mañanas.
L126.10 I drink water every morning.
L127.01 Mis amigos almuerzan conmigo todos los días.
L127.01 My friends have lunch with me every day.
L127.02 ¿Quieres tú almorzar conmigo?
L127.02 Do you want to have lunch with me? (informal)
L127.03 Si, yo quiero almorzar contigo.
L127.03 Yes, I want to have lunch with you. (informal)
L127.04 Fred Smith, mi amigo, quiere almorzar conmigo hoy.
L127.04 Fred Smith, my friend, wants to have lunch with me today..
L127.05 Nosotros necesitamos almorzar.
L127.05 We need to have lunch.
L127.06 Ella desayuna con sus padres todas las mañanas.
L127.06 She has breakfast with her parents every morning.
L127.07 Yo quiero ir al restaurante contigo.
L127.07 I want to go to the restaurant with you.
L127.08 Yo almuerzo con mis amigos todos los días.
L127.08 I have lunch with my friends every day.
L127.09 Ellas quieren almorzar con Michael todos los días.
L127.09 They want to have lunch with Michael every day.
L127.10 Ustedes nunca leen el periódico.
L127.10 You all never read the newspaper.
L128.01 Yo quiero ir a la playa ahora.
L128.01 I want to go to the beach now.
L128.02 ¡Yo quiero almorzar ahora mismo porque tengo hambre!
L128.02 I want to have lunch right now because I am hungry.
L128.03 Mis perros quieren comer ahora mismo.
L128.03 My dogs want to eat right now.
L128.04 Ellla quiere leer su periódico ahora.
L128.04 She wants to read her newspoaper now.
L128.05 Yo quiero ir al centro comercial ahora para comprar ropa.
L128.05 I want to go to the mall now to buy clothes.
L128.06 ¿Puedes ir al centro comercial conmigo?
L128.06 Are you able to (can you) go to the mall with me? (nopro informal)
L128.07 Nosotros leemos libros todos los días.
L128.07 We read books every day.
L128.08 ¿Tiene usted diez dólares?
L128.08 Do you have ten dollars? (formal)
L128.09 Sí, pero yo quiero ir a la tienda para comprar comida.
L128.09 Yes, but I want to go to the store to buy food.
L128.10 Las muchachas van al restaurante todas las noches a comer.
L128.10 The young women go to the restaurant every night to eat.
L129.01 Yo ceno con mi familia todas las noches.
L129.01 I have dinner with my family every night.
L129.02 Ellos van al restaurante a cenar todas las noches.
L129.02 They go to the restaurant to have dinner every night. (inf)
L129.03 Yo no quiero almorzar; quiero cenar.
L129.03 I do not want to have lunch; I want to have dinner.
L129.04 Mi hermana cena conmigo todas las semanas.
L129.04 My sister has dinner with me every week.
L129.05 Nosotros desayunamos todas las mañanas.
L129.05 We have breakfast every morning.
L129.06 Ellas quiere cenar con sus amigos todas las noches.
L129.06 She wants to have dinner with her friends every night.
L129.07 Yo quiero cenar ahora mismo porque tengo hambre.
L129.07 I want to have dinner right now because I am hungry.
L129.08 ¿Quieres tú ir a la biblioteca para leer libros?
L129.08 Do you want to go to the library to read books? (nopro, informal)
L129.09 No, yo quiero ir a la playa.
L129.09 No, I want to go to the beach.
L129.10 Tú no puedes ir a la tienda porque no tienes un carro.
L129.10 You are not able to (you cannot) go to the store because you do not have a car. (informal)