Get Started In Latin Sentences Flashcards
Mulum ( Paulus/Paulam) portat.
Paulus…Paul carries the mule.
Mulus (sarcina /sarcinam) portat.
Sarcinam…the mule carries the bag.
Mulus silvam non ( ambulate, amat).
amat; the mule does not like the wood.
Paulus in silva (portat/ ambulat).
ambulat; Paul is walking in the wood.
Mulus silvam (portat/spectat).
spectat; the mule watches the wood.
Non Paulus sed mulus sarcinam (portat/ambulat).
portat; not Paul but the mule is carrying the bag.
Identify the cases in bold nouns, and translate
nominative, accusative; Benedict longs for some food.
Identify the cases in BOLD nouns, and translate:
Mulus SARCINAM non amat.
accusative; the mule does not like the bag.
Identify the cases in BOLD nouns, and translate:
Benedictus non in SILVA est.
ablative; Benedict is not in the wood.
Identify the cases in BOLD nouns, and translate:
Paulus est MONACHUS.
nominative; Paul is a monk.
Complete the words which have missing endings, and translate:
Paul___ cum mul___ in sil___ ambulat.
In mul___ est sarcin___.
Paulus cum mulo in silva ambulat; Paul walks with the mule in the wood.
In mulo est sarcina; on the mule is a bag.
Choose the correct words and translate: Mulus cum ( equos/equis) in Afro habitat, sed ( equis/equus) cum ( mulum/mulo) non laborant.
equis, equi, mulo; the mule lives in the field with the horses, but the horses do not work with the mule.
Mulus sarcinam ( portat/portant).
portat; the mule carries the bag.
Monachi in monasteries (habitat/habitant).
habitant; the monks live in the monastery.
Muli non equos ( amat/amant).
Amant; the mules do not like the horses.