Hypertension where BP is more than or equal to 140/90 that develops 20 weeks after pregnancy, but returns to normal within 6 weeks of post-partum; proteinuria is not present.
Gestational Hypertension
What are the classic signs of pre-eclampsia?
Hypertension and proteinuria
Mild pre-eclampsia can be managed at home. Name five important monitoring that must be done at home:
Blood pressure, weight, urine dipstick for protein, signs and symptoms of fetal distress, signs and symptoms of worsening pre-eclampsia
Drug of choice for patients with severe pre-eclampsia and eclampsia
Magnesium Sulfate
Therapeutic level of magnesium
4 to 8 g/dl
What is an important assessment for the nurse to make when a patient is receiving magnesium sulfate in order to prevent toxicity?
Urine output: oliguria (which usually occurs with pre-eclampsia) can cause retention of magnesium and increases risk for toxicity
What position should the mother be placed in because it best promotes placental circulation?
Lateral or Side-lying
Anti-hypertensive medication of choice for pregnant women with severe pre-eclampsia
Hydralazine: vasodilator that causes vasodilation while increasing cardiac output
What important assessments should be made to monitor for s/s of magnesium toxicity? HINT: MAGSO
Mental status
Airway and respiratory status
General reflexes (DTR)
Serum magnesium
Urine output
Name three things that can be done to prevent seizure-related injuries to a woman with severe pre-eclampsia?
Padded side rails
Bed kept in lowest position with wheels locked
Have oxygen and suction equipment at bedside
A drug that should be kept at bedside to quickly reverse effects of magnesium toxicity
Calcium gluconate
A woman is admitted with severe pre-eclampsia. Name three nursing interventions you can do to prevent seizures?
Admit to a quiet room with reduced environmental stimuli
Keep lights low and noise to a minimum
Organise nursing interventions to allow maximum periods of rest
What are the conditions that make up the HELLP syndrome, a complication of severe hypertension?
Elevated liver enzymes
Lowe platelets
What is the most prominent symptom of the HELLP syndrome?
RUQ or epigastric pain
After a seizure event, the nurse should prepare who which two interventions/monitoring to address a leading cause of maternal morbidity after an eclamptic seizure?
Chest X-ray and ABG - aspiration of gastric contents is a leading cause of maternal morbidity after an eclamptic seizure