Gestation Diabetes Flashcards
Describe risk factors for GDM? (11)
BMI > 30
Previous GDM
Previous elevated BGl
Maternal age >= 40
Family history of DM (1st degree relative or sister with GDM)
Previous macrosomia (BW > 4500g or> 90th)
Previous perinatal loss
Medications (e.g. corticosteroids, antipsychotics)
Multiple pregnancy
If no RF on admission, when do you assess for GDM and outline the protocol.
At 24-28 weeks gestation.
2 hour 75g OGTT
Describe diagnosis of GDM based on OGTT or HbA1C
HbA1C >= 41mmol/mol (or 5.9%)
OGTT one or more:
- Fasting >= 5.1
- 1 hour >= 10
- 2 hour»_space;= 8.5
Describe protocol for ceasing Metformin or insulin around timing and mode of birth for vaginal birth
Metformin: cease when in labour established.
- cease when labour established
- if for morning IOL (and labour not established) eat breakfast and give usual rapid acting insulin. Omit morning long or intermediate acting insulin
- if afternoon IOL (and labour not established) give usual mealtime and bedtime insulin.
When in labour monitor BGLs Q2 hourly aiming between 4-7.
Describe timing of cessation of insulin or Metformin around an elective CS?
Day before procedure:
Cease Metformin after evening dose prior to procedure.
Give usual insulin night before procedure
Day of morning procedure:
Fast for 6 hours
When fasting omit s/C insulin
If insulin infusion consult with anaesthetist
How is GDM diagnosed using the OGTT?
One or more of:
- Fasting >/= 5.1 mmol/L
- 1 hour >/=10mmol/L
- 2 hours >/= 8.5mmol/L
Describe BSL monitoring in the postpartum period for a women who has/had GDM?
If previously on pharmacotherapy:
Monitor BGLs preprandial and before bed (QID)
If all preprandial BGL between 4-7mmol/L case monitoring 24 hours after birth.
If not previously on pharmacotherapy: case BGL monitoring after birth.
Advised women to get repeat OGTT at 6-12 weeks postpartum to screen for persistent diabetes. Recommend lifelong screening for diabetes at least every 3 years.
Early glucose testing in future pregnnacy.
What kind of referral and follow-up is required postpartum for women who had GDM during pregnancy?
Advise women to see their GP to be screened for persistent diabetes at 6-12 weeks postpartum using the OGTT and non-pregnancy diagnostic criteira.
Women with a history of GDM require life-long screening for the development of diabetes or pre-diabetes at least every 3 years.
Perform early glucose testing in a future pregnancy.
What information would you give to women with GDM and breastfeeding?
Women with GDM are less likely to breastfeed (75% vs 86%) and to continue for a shorter duration (9 vs 17 weeks) compared to women without GDM. This values are even lower in owmen who require insulin therapy or who are obese.
Growing evidence that breastfeeding has short and long term benefits for moths with GDM.
One study found BF duration of 3 or more months reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes and delayed development of T2DM. afurther 10 years c/w BF < 3 months.
MFM and insulin safe in BF.
In the postpartum period, for women with GDM, what is the preprandial target BGL for women?
Less htan or equal to 7.0mmol/L (preprandial)
NB: if all preprandial BGL are between 4.0 and 7.0mmol/L discontinue monitoring 24 hours after birth.
Describe protocol for intrapartum BGL monitoring for women without pharmacotherapy and for with pharmacotherapy?
For non-pharmacological therapy: BGL on arrival then Q4H.
For women on pharmacotherapy: BGL on arrival then Q2H.
Describe protocol for ceasing pharmacotherapy (MFM and insulin) prior to elective CS?
Cease MFM 24 hours prior to elective procedure.
For women taking insulin:
- Administer urual rapid and intermediate/long acting insulin the night before. Fast from midnight.
- Omit all insulin on morning of CS.
For women taking MFM, when do you medication:
- At onset of spontaneous labour
- For IOL
- Cease MFM when in established labour for both spont onset and IOL.
For women on insulin and undergoing a morning IOL, when do they cease insulin?
Advise women:
- eat early morning breakfast.
- administer usual dose of rapid acting insulin with breakfast.
- omit long or intermediate acting insulin in the morning.
- cease insulin when in established labour
For pm IOL, when would you cease insulin?
Administer usual dose of rapid acting insulin with evening meal.
If not in established labour, administer long or intermediate acting insulin before bedtime.
Cease insulin when in established labour.
How would you discuss mode of birth, taking into account estimated fetal weight, for a woman with GDM?
If fetal weight is estimated at:
- Less than 4000g, vaginal birth is usually appropriate.
- 4500g or more, recommend a CS
- 4000-4500g, consider other individual factors (e.g. maternal stature, obs hx, prvious birth hx, previous macrosomia +/- shoulder dystocia
Discuss timing of birth in relation to GDM
Well managed with MNT and no fetal macrosomia or other complications, wait for spont labour.
With suspected fetal macrosomia or other complications, consider birth from 38-39 weeks gestation.
Pharmacotherapy alone is not an indication for birth before term.
In most cases, women with optimal BGLs who are receiving pharmacotherapy therapy do not require expedited birth before 38 weeks gestation.
Macrosomia increases the risk of which fetal birth injuries? (2)
shoulder dystocia
brachial plexus injuries
What are the symptoms of hypoglycaemia?
Hunger Light headedness/headache Sweating/shaking/weakness Tingling around the lips Irritability Blurred vision Severe hypoglycaemia (when unable to treat) can lead to confusion and loss of consciousness and requires urgent medical treatment
Describe insulin regime:
- Elevated fasting glucose
Single bedtime injection of intermediate-acting insulin (will often suffice)
Describe insulin regime:
- Postprandial hyperglycaemia.
Meal time rapid acting
Describe the insulin regime:
- Fasting and postpradial hyperglycaemia
Basal-bolus insulin regimen
- meal-time rapid-acting insulin and bedtime intermediate acting OR
- twice daily mixed insulin (if woman is reluctant to inject QID)
Describe potential side effects of insulin therapy
Local (injection site) allergic reactions
Systemic reaction (skin eruptions, oedema)
Insulin requirements tend to rise throughout the 3rd trimester. When does insulin requirement tend to plateau?