Gestalt and Interpersonal Therapy Flashcards
Which of the following individuals and his collaborators founded Gestalt therapy?
Fritz Perls
The idea that individuals are growth-oriented, self-regulating, and only understandable within
the context of their environment is known as
A set of mutually interdependent elements is referred to as a
Five years later, a patient remains negatively affected by the murder of a friend. A Gestalt
therapist would say the patients current field is being affected by the
memory of the event
The paradoxical theory of change states that individuals
will stay the same when attempting to become who they are not
The Gestalt term describing an individuals ability to focus on the here and now is
In contrast to psychoanalysis, Gestalt therapy emphasized the
potential of the here and now.
In contrast to the theoretical foundations, changes in Gestalt therapy and psychoanalysis
have occurred with both approaches now emphasizing
self in relation to others.
Although similar in some ways to rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) and cognitive
therapy (CT), a Gestalt therapist
does not imply that he or she knows the rational way to think.
Wilhelm Reich described how individuals often engage in repetitive experiences, behaviors,
and body postures that keep them fixed in roles. He referred to this concept as
character armor.
The word Gestalt is analogous with
perceptual whole.
The phenomenological perspective asserts that all reality is
subjectively interpreted.
Which of the following would be inconsistent with the dialogic relationship?
Therapist control of the outcome
Objective reality, as defined by a Gestalt therapist, is
The purpose of a boundary is to
separate and connect us to others.
According to Gestalt therapy, psychological adjustment requires
an awareness of our need states.
A parent and a child become so enmeshed that the child can no longer experience a sense
of separate identity. This is known as
While receiving constructive criticism, Sally is able to accept the opinions of her mother that
are helpful and discard those that are not beneficial. Sally is demonstrating
After receiving a pay raise, Danny wants to celebrate with others. Instead, he buys
champagne and celebrates alone because he has no close friends. This reflects the boundary
disturbance of
Achieving a balance between individual needs and the environment reflects
creative adjustment.
Research inevitably finds that relational conditions such as acceptance, warmth, and
genuineness on the part of the therapist are important predictors contributing to what successful
therapeutic style?
Dialogic relationship
A Gestalt therapist would view resistance as
an attempt to maintain psychological integrity.
In treating anxiety, a Gestalt therapist is most likely to
teach the patient to breathe more fully.
When a patient remains stuck in nonfunctional ways of thinking and behaving, a Gestalt
therapist would say the patient is experiencing
an impasse.
The primary goal of Gestalt therapy is
increased awareness.
The primary emphasis of Gestalt therapy is on the
If a psychoanalytic therapist observed a Gestalt therapist in action, he or she might be
concerned about the therapists
degree of self-disclosure.
Gestalt therapys empty-chair technique, in which a patient is encouraged to express
feelings to others or themselves in a symbolic manner, would be an example of
What results from the creative adjustment that occurs in a context of environmental
Health and maturity
Circular causality refers to interactions that are
The developers of interpersonal therapy were
Gerald Klerman and Myrna Weissman.
Interpersonal therapy developed as part of a
a therapy arm for a clinical trial evaluating antidepressant efficacy.
A group of four interpersonal problem areas that has become the focus of IPT is known as
depressogenic triggers.
In contrast to the homework given in a cognitive therapy session, an interpersonal therapist
be less prescriptive overall across therapy.
In describing depression to a patient, an interpersonal therapist would explain that
genetic, personality, and early childhood factors contribute to depression, but symptoms are
be triggered by stress, usually of an interpersonal nature.
Interpersonal therapists prescribe a sick role to patients. This means that
depression is a treatable medical problem, not a personal failing.
The goal of prescribing a sick role to a patient in interpersonal therapy is to
demystify the symptoms and engage the patient.
What type of therapy focuses heavily on early childhood experiences as determinants of
unconscious mental processes and intrapsychic conflict?
Psychodynamic psychotherapy
Who has been an important figure in a 1978 study to measure of relative risk to examine the
impact of stressful life events on depression?
Eugene Paykel
If a patient was in a depressive phase of his or her bipolar disorder, an interpersonal
therapist would
treat the depressive phase in a similar manner to unipolar depression.
The typical length of interpersonal therapy for depression for an adult would be
16 sessions.
In which phase of interpersonal therapy would the clinician focus on helping the patient
identify ways that depression has affected his or her interpersonal relationships as well as how
his or her interpersonal relationships have impacted his or her depression?
In the early 20th century, Adolph Meyer recommended the use of a life chart with patients.
A life chart
: tracked the relationships between life history, physical and psychological illnesses, and
stressful events.
In response to an insensitive or unavailable caregiver, an individual might develop which
type of attachment style according to Mary Ainsworths theory?
Which of the following statements is true about affectional bonds, as described by John
Humans have an innate need for affectional bonds.
In the Uganda culture, it is highly likely that a depressed individual would
not appreciate assistance for depression when it was provided.
Interpersonal therapy-evaluation, support, triage (IPT-EST) is designed to
offer a three-session intervention based on rapid diagnosis and treatment.
The evidence for the efficacy of IPT remains varied for other adaptations but is strongest for
mood disorders.
Which statement accurately describes the theory of personality that drives interpersonal
A theory of personality is not directly relevant to interpersonal therapy.
For which minorities in the United States has the most efficacy been in clinical trials of IPT?
Black and Hispanic groups
Which studies have helped clarify the role of life events in the complex matrix of factors that
coincide in the development of psychiatric disorders?
Epidemiological studies
Which study showed the 5-HTT genotype moderated the depressogenic influence of
adverse life events?
Gene X environment interaction
During which phase of treatment does the majority of the interpersonal work take place?
Middle phase
In contrast to interpersonal therapy for adults, interpersonal therapy for adolescents
uses telephone contacts more frequently.
An interpersonal therapist and patient should collaboratively identify how many problem areas to address over the course of treatment?
One to two (to stay focused)
During which phase of treatment do therapists evaluate patients depressive symptoms with
them to determine if they are full or partial responders?
Termination phase
In 2013, who proposed four specific mechanisms for changes in IPT?
Lipsitz and Markowitz
Research studies that evaluate the effects of a treatment within a relatively homogenous
group, under optimal clinical circumstances, and with the therapy performed by highly trained
experts are called
efficacy testing.
Patients with high attachment avoidance and depression
tend to fare better in cognitive therapy.
The data on baseline depressive severity as a moderator of treatment suggest that
the research is equivocal on baseline levels of depression as moderators.
Conjoint interpersonal psychotherapy for depression has demonstrated that
conjoint interpersonal therapy leads to greater marital satisfaction.
Okwekubagiza, a term from Uganda, refers to
In the randomized clinical trial evaluating modified interpersonal group psychotherapy (IPT-
G) for depression in Southwest Uganda,
IPT-G was more effective than the control condition.
In a study using interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) for treating depression in adolescents
living in internally displaced persons (IDP) camps in Northern Uganda,
IPT performed better than both the creative play and wait list control.
The World Health Organizations task shifting model refers to
delegating tasks to less specialized local health workers.