Gerontology Flashcards
What is life expectancy
The average number of years a person can expect to live
The natural tendency for an elder to withdraw or move away from role commitments is called the ________ Theory of Aging.
Disengagement Theory
Explain the term “Graying of America”
A shift in the population composition to one with a higher percentage of people over 65
The prejudice against the older segment of our society
Define the term stereotype. Give an example
an assumption (usually negative) that influences our attitudes and actions
A __________ is the word used to describe a “like aged” group that were influenced by similar experiences and values
Robert Butler described “special characteristics” of elders as a result of having lived a long time. The desire to share accumulated wisdom and knowledge is called the _______ ____________.
Elder Function
The study of the social aspects of aging is called___
Social Gerontology
The expectations that we (society) have for a person at a specific age is called their________ _______.
Social Role
Define functional competence
A person’s ability to perform necessary tasks of daily living.
The process of reminiscing, self reflection and evaluation is called
Life Review
Each person makes decisions,and experiences different events that impact their situations later in life. This is called the ________ ________.
Life Course
Meeting the needs of people from most basic to higher level is referred to as ________ ______ ______
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
A person’s sense of personal worth
A person’s sense of SELF and uniqueness, individuality
The right and need for a person to make their own decisions and choices
Activities that promote expenditure of energy
Physical activities
Activities that emphasize group involvement and interaction
Social activities
The responsibility of keep client information private
A fundamental belief that influences our actions and decisions
A Value
A set of values that directs us as professional to make the right choice