gero lec 2 Flashcards
Cardiovascular age-related changes seen in older adults
Increased heart weight; left ventricle hypertrophy
Decreased baroreceptor sensitivity
Decreased force of contraction, contractile efficiency, stroke volume
Valvular sclerosis
Decrease in pacemaker cells
Decreased beta adrenergic response
Arterial stiffening & wall thickening with decreased compliance
Dilated aorta, tortuous veins
Decreased O2 uptake by tissues
Cardiac symptoms seen in cardiovascular age-related changes
Increased systolic blood pressure, pulse pressure, peripheral resistance
Risk of postural & diuretic-induced hypotension
Cardiovascular: what to assess in patients
BP (lying, sitting, standing), pulse pressures
Assess carotid arteries, right internal jugular vein, varicosities. Monitor ECG. Assess exercise tolerance.
Cardiovascular interventions
Safety precautions! for orthostatic hypotension
Health promotion/Disease prevention
Medication Regimens
Weigh Daily
Independence maintenance
Avoid fatigue
Respiratory symptoms seen in respiratory age-related changes
Kyphosis; Barrel-shaped Why?
Respiratory rate 12-24
Decreased respiratory excursion & chest/lung expansion with less effective exhalation and
Increased residual volume
Diminished breath sounds particularly at lung bases
Decreased cough, deep-breathing, mucus/foreign matter clearance. Risk of infection & asthma.
Altered pulmonary function
Lower maximal expiratory flow (FEV, FEV1/FVC1)
Reduced vital capacity
Unchanged total lung capacity
Dyspnea on exertion, decreased exercise tolerance
PO2, SpO2 decreased. Decreased capacity to maintain acid-base balance
Respiratory changes seen in older adults
Thorax & vertebrae rigid
Decreased muscle strength & endurance
Diminished ciliary & macrophage activity
Increased airway reactivity
Drier mucus membranes
Decreased alveolar function, vascularization, elastic recoil
Decreased response to hypoxia & hypercapnia
Respiratory assessment/what to assess in patients?
Respirations - patterns, breath sounds throughout lung fields
Note thorax appearance, chest expansion
Assess cough, deep breathing, exercise capacity
Assess for infections, asthma
Monitor arterial blood gases, pulse oximetry
Monitor secretions, sedation, positioning which can reduce ventilation/oxygenation
Presbyphonia (article)
Larynx stiffening, larynx muscle atrophy, decrease FEV
Respiratory interventions
Maintain patent airway through repositioning, suctioning
Prevention of respiratory infections
Incentive spirometry/Pursed-lip breathing
Health promotion/Disease prevention
Vaccines: Flu & Pneumonia
Education on cough enhancement, avoidance of environmental contaminants, smoking cessation
GI age-related symptoms
Impaired digestive ability with possible food intolerances
Risk of dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, poor nutritional intake
In mouth, risk of gingivitis, tooth loss with chewing impairment
Impaired perception of taste (also with many drugs) & smell
Risk of dysphagia, hiatal hernia, aspiration
Delayed emptying of stomach with risk of maldigestion
Gastroesophageal reflux Disease (GERD)
Decreased absorption of fat, carbohydrate, protein, vitamin B12, iron, folate, calcium, and vitamin D
Constipation, flatulence
Risk of fecal impaction
Risk of adverse drug reactions
GI age-related changes
Decreased thirst perception
Decreased saliva with dry mucosa, bone loss
Atrophy of taste & olfactory receptors
Decreased esophageal motility & lower esophageal sphincter pressure
Decreased stomach motility; mucosal atrophy
Decreased small intestine motility, villi, digestive enzyme secretion
Decreased large intestine blood flow, motility, defecation sensation
Decreased liver size, blood flow, enzymatic metabolism of drugs; increased biliary lipids
Decreased pancreatic reserve, enzymatic & hormonal secretory cells
GI assessment
Assess abdomen (note smaller liver), bowel sounds
Monitor weight, dietary intake, elimination patterns
Assess dentition, chewing & swallowing abilities, eating habits/nutrition
Assess pulmonary infection from aspiration/dysphagia
Presence of NVD
Evaluate chemosensory complaints of poor food taste
GI interventions
Health promotion/Disease prevention
Educate on nutrition/diet, approaches to flavor enhancement, fluid intake, toileting habits/bowel training
Watch hidden Na+ in foods
Genitourinary age-related changes
Decreased functional reserve when water/salt overload/deficit
Decreased kidney weight, blood flow, oxygenation, glomerular filtration rate (often < 50%, measured by creatinine clearance)
Tubule degeneration
Reduced response to ADH
Impaired capacity to dilute, concentrate, acidify urine; impaired sodium regulation
Genitourinary age-related symptoms/signs
Reduced bladder elasticity, muscle tone, capacity
Detrusor instability with involuntary bladder contractions
Weakened urinary sphincter
Decreased or delayed perception of voiding signal
Increased nocturnal urine production
In males, decreased prostatic antibacterial factor; risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
In post-menopausal females: estrogen loss; decreased pelvic area elasticity; gland & epithelial atrophy; alkaline vaginal pH
GU risks with older adults
Risk of renal complications in illness; susceptibility to acute ischemic renal failure & embolism
Risk of dehydration, volume overload, hyperkalemia (with potassium-sparing diuretics), hyponatremia (with thiazide diuretics), hypernatremia (with NSAIDs).
Reduced excretion of acid load
Risk of postural hypotension
Decreased drug clearance
Risk of nephrotoxic injury by drugs
More GU risks in older adults
Risk of urinary tract infection (UTI) Why? Increased post-void residual urine
Nocturnal polyuria- risk for falls
In males, risk of urinary hesitancy dribbling, frequency, incontinence Why? (BPH)
In females, risk of atrophic vaginitis, urethritis, vaginal stenosis, vaginal/uterine prolapse
GU assessment
Assess renal function, particularly in acute/chronic illness
Monitor blood pressure (orthostatic) Why?
Assess for dehydration, volume overload, electrolyte imbalances, proteinuria
Determine source of fluid/electrolyte imbalance. Monitor laboratory data e.g.,creatinine clearance What else?
Assess choice/dose/need for nephrotoxic agents (incl. aminoglycoside antibiotics, radiocontrast dyes) and renally excreted medications
Palpable bladder after voiding due to retention
Assess for urinary incontinence, UTI
Assess for abnormal urine stream with BPH
Assess fall risk in nocturnal or urgent voiding