Gero Exam 2 Flashcards
Dry, cracked, itchy skin
What could worsen xerosis?
Inadequate fluid intake
Nursing management(s) of xerosis
Using super-fatted soaps or cleansers
Is pruritis a symptom or diagnosis
What is pruritis related to
Medication SEs or
Secondary to disease
Threat to skin intergrity
Thin, fragile skin
Extravasation of blood into surrounding tissue
Nursing management(s) of purpura
Wear long-sleeves
Protect from trauma
What is the common locations of xerosis
What is the common location of purpura
The dorsalis forearm
Actinic kerotosis
Precancerous skin lesion
What is the cause of actinic kerotosis
Sun exposure
UV light
Nursing management(s) of pt w/ actinic keratosis
Dermatology visits every 6- 12 months to monitor and treat
Seborrheic keratosis
Waxy, raised “stuck-on” appearance, benign lesion
Almost all of the older adults over 65 got this ___
Seborrheic Keratosis
Herpes Zoster
painful vesicular rash over a dermatone
What is the common location of herpes zoster
The upper back
Nursing management(s) of herpes zoster
Ask for hx of chickenpox
Pain medication
topical medication
Droplet precaution
Yeast infection
What the common location(s) of candidiasis
Anywhere that is warm, moist, and dark
Nursing management(s) of candidiasis
Keep skin dry and clean
Who are higher risk of candidiasis
Who are at high of risk of pressure injury
Immobility and prostheses
Treatments of Pressure Injury: DIPAMOPI
Identify and treat infection
Pack dead space lightly
Absorb excess exudate
Maintain moist would surface
Open or excise closed wound edges
Protect healing wound from infection/trauma
Insulate to maintain normal temperature
Look at Box 13-10 for Risk factors and Prevention
Stage 1 of Pressure Ulcers
Skin: Unbroken
Inflammation : redness
Stage 2 of Pressure Ulcers
Skin is broken to epidermis or dermis
Stage 3 of Pressure Ulcers
Ulcer extends to subcutaneous fat layer
Stage 4 of Pressure Ulcers
Ulcer extends to muscle or bone
Undermining is likely
Proper nutrition includes all the essential nutrients
Vitamin adn Minerals
Proper nutrition includes all the essential nutrients
Vitamin and Minerals
How much carbohydrates should be include
How much fats should be include
How much proteins should be include
How much vitamin and minerals should be include
5 serving of fruits and veggies
The higher the score in the MNA, the patient is
Normal nutritional status (12-14)
The lower the score in the MNA, the patient is
> = 25
> =30
Morbid obese
> =35
Malnutrition is a _____ syndrome
What is the rising incidence of malnutrition does it occurs
Acute care, Long term care, and in the community
Consequences of Malnutrition
^ risk of infection, pressure ulcers, anemia, hip fractures, hypotension, impaired cognition, ^ morbidity and mortality
Difficulty swallowing
Look at Box 14-17 for Symptoms of Dysphagia
Look at Box 14-16 for Risk Factors of Dysphagia
Preventions of Aspiration (Dysphagia)
Supervise all meals
Seated and rested before eating
Sitting up @ 90 degrees
Don’t rush meals
Alternate solid and liquids
Chin-tuck swallow
Thickened liquids and pureed foods
Avoid sedatives-may impair cough reflex
Keep suction readily available
Oral care
Risk factors for changes in fluid balance
Physiological changes in body water content
Impaired thirst sensation
Functional impairments
Chronic illness
Emotional illness
High environmental temperatures
Can Drink Category
Able to drink
May not know what’s adequate
Possible cog impairment
Encourage and make fluids accessible
Won’t Drink Category
Highest risk for dehydration
Able to drink but refuses
Offer frequently
Prevent incontinence
Can’t Drink Category
Physical incapable to ingesting or accessing fluids
Dysphagia prevention
Swallow evaluation
Safe drinking techniques
End-of-life category
Terminally ill
Could be any of the previous 3
Refer to advanced directives w/ regard to hydration wishes
Signs of Dehydration
Skin turgor
Mucous membranes
Speech changes
Dark urine
Dry axilla
Sunken eyes
What would be more reliable when looking for a pt w/ dehydration
Lab testing
How much fluids should the patient be intake
At least 1500 ml/day
Interventions for Hydration
Fluid quality (water is the best)
Offer often
Make readily available
Encourage with medications
Provide preferred fluids (no carbonated drink)
Verbal reminders
Urge Urinary Incontinence
Overactive bladder
Stress Urinary Incontinence
^ intrabdominal pressure (sneezing, coughing, laughing)
defined as leakage of some or more urine
Functional Urine
Nothing wrong w/ urinary tract
what are the 4 pharmacotherapy for constipation
bulk-forming (fiber)
psyllium (metamucil) and methylcellulose
What is the first line of drugs for constipation
Bulk-forming due to low cost and few adverse effects
What population(s) should be bulk-forming caution?
Frail older people, bed-bound individual, and swallowing problems
What can bulk-forming laxatives can cause
abdominal distention and flatulence
Nursing consideration when taking bulk-forming
Must be taken w/ adequate fluid intake to avoid obstruction in esophagus, stomach, intestines
Emollients and lubricants
Docusate sodium
What is the action of emollients
^ moisture content of stool
What is emollients are used primarily for?
It is used for constipation but on specific situation (surgery)
What population(s) is caution when taking emollients
Frail older people who don’t have the strength to push
Osmotic laxatives
milk of magnesia (MOM), lactulose, polyethylene glycol (PEG), Miralax, sorbitol
Action of osmotic laxatives
Cause water retention in the colon
What population should avoid MOM
Individuals w/ renal insufficiency -> hypermagnesemia and hyperphosphatemia
What can Lactulose and sorbitol cause
Diarrhea, abdominal cramping, and flatulence
If bulk laxatives are ineffective add _____
Osmotic laxative
Stimulant laxatives
Action of stimulant
stimulate colorectal motor activity
What can stimulants can cause
elecctrolyte or fluid losses
Stimulant laxatives are effective and safe for people w/ _______
opioid-induced constipation
Chloride channel stimulating
Action of Chloride channel stimulating
stimulate ileal secretion and ^ fecal water
Chloride channel stimulating is safe, well-tolerated, and effective in _____________
Older adults w/ chronic constipation
SEs of Chloride channel stimulating
What is a complication of constipation
Fecal impaction
Manifestations and complications: fecal impaction
Urinary retention
^ temp
cognitive decline
intestinal obstruction
What is the first thing to avoid in fecal impaction
Prevent it!
Nursing management of fecal impaction
Digital removal of hard stool from rectum
Use copious lubricant
May take several days
Don’t disimpact too much
Ofter very painful
Paradoxical diarrhea
causses by leakage of fecal material around the impacted mass
may think they are having a BM
How many stages in Non-rapid eye movement?
What is Stage 1 of NREM
Lightest level
Between being awake and falling asleep
Stage 2 of NREM
Onset of sleep
Becoming disengaging from surroundings
Breathing and heart rate regular but temperature drops
Stage 3 and Stage 4 of NREM
“slow wave sleep”
Deepest and most restorative sleep
BP v
Breathing becomes slower
Tissue growth and repair occurs
Energy is restored
How much REM occurs
25% of the night
How long does REM recurs
every 90 mins and get longer later in the night
REM Sleep
REM key feature
Breathing ^ rate and depth
Muscle tone relaxes
When does dream occur more often
REM; 85%
Look Box 17-4 for Age-Related Sleep changes
What stages does elder spend less time on
Stage 3 and 4
Biorhythm and sleep
age related changes in the body’s perception of light-dark cycle and circadium sleep-wake rhythm
Sleep Cycle
changes in sleep cycle
v amoutn of deep sleep and time spent in REM
Insomnia is a diagnosis
Medications that affect sleep
Sympathomimetic amines
Cough and cold medication
Thyroid preparations
Sleep teaching
Maximaze comfort
Bedroom is for 2 things
Avoid or limit nap < 2 hrs
Exercise and outdoor time
Bedtime routine
Limit tobacco, caffeine, EtOH in evening
Manage GERD
Avoid screentime
If can’t fall asleep -> go to another room until feeling sleepy
How much moderate aerobic should pt be doing weekly?
2.5 hrs weekly
How much muscle strengthening activities should pt be doing weekly
at least 2 days
Moderate intensity aerobic activity description
continuous moving involving large muscle groups that is sustained for a minimum of 10 mins; should make your heart beat fast
Benefits of Moderate intensity aerobic activity
Improves cardiovascular functioning, strengthening heart muscle, v blood glucose and triglycerides, ^ HDL, ^ mood
Examples of Moderate intensity aerobic activity
Biking, swimming, and other waterbased activites
Muscle-strengthening description
Activities that involve moving or lifting some type of resistance and work all major groups
Benefits of muscle-strengthening
^ muscles strength, prevents sarcopenia, reduce fall risks, improves balance
Examples of muscle-strengthening
lifting weight, calisthenics, working w/ resistance bands, heavy gardening
Stretching description
therapeutic maneuver designed to elongate shortened soft tissue structures and ^ flexibility
benefit of stretching
facilities ROM around joints, prevent injury
stretching frequency
2 day/wk
Examples of Stretching
Yoga and ROM exercises
Balance exercises description
movements that improve the ability to maintain control of the body the bsae of support to avoid falling
Benefits of balance
^ lower body strength, ^ balance, helps prevent falls
Examples of balance exercises
Tai chi, yoga, standing on one foot, etc
Look at Exercise Safety Box 18.6
Don’t exercise when….
SBP > 200 mmHg
DBP > 100 mmHg
Resting HR >120
2 hr after a big meal
Feet Skin becomes:
drier, less elastic, cooler