gero 3 Flashcards
Senile purpura
A common, benign condition characterised by recurrent formation of purple ecchymoses (bruises) on the extensor surfaces of forearms following minor trauma.
Senior centers
Centers for adults aged 55+, A senior center is a type of community center where older adults can congregate to fulfill many of their social, physical, emotional, and intellectual needs. In the United States, many towns have senior centers that are usually locally funded, though some may receive state and federal monies.
Skilled nursing facility
Provides 24-hour nursing care for chronically ill or short-term rehabilitative residents of all ages.
Skilled nursing care
Nursing and rehabilitative care that can be performed only by, or under the supervision of, liscenced and skilled medical personnel.
Skin cancer
Most common type of cancer in the US; 40-50% of Americans who live to age 65 will have at least once. 3 common types: basel cell (most common); squamous (rarely spread); melanoma (most dangerouse, can spread)
Social model
The focus is on the social and medical services to treat diseases; the patient is taken care of within a collaborative, interdisciplinary experience.
Social secuirity
Franklin D. Roosevelt (1935) The specific social security discussed here is the United States government program established in 1935 that provides old age, disability, and survivors insurance, as well as supplemental security income, an income for elderly or disabled people.
Social supports-informal
Those family members, friends, and neighbors who help a person when needed. 80% of long term care giving is provided through the informal social support network. Family pays for 34% of formal support.
Social support-formal
These health and social service providers who assist with support. Care giving-ongoing assistance with a wide variety of functions ranging from periodic chores, housework, and transportation to 24-hour monitoring and help with ambulation and eating. (A&B 2004)
Sociocltural age
Where a person is in terms of the specific set of roles adopted in relation to other members of the society or culture.
Solar elastosis
Aso known as actinic elastosis, is a disorder in which the skin appears yellow and thickened as a result of sun damage.
Spend down
This amount is called excess income. Some of these people may qualify for Medicaid if they spend the excess income on medical bills. This is called a spend down. For example, a person over 65 is denied Medicaid because her monthly income is $50 more than the limit for Medicaid eligibility.
A stakeholder is anybody who can affect or is affected by an organisation, strategy or project. They can be internal or external and they can be at senior or junior levels. It is important to know who the stakeholders are when you are designing a program evaluation since different types of stakeholders require different knowledge regarding the program.
Standard deviation
Measure of variability (SD) Standard deviation is a measure of dispersement in statistics. “Dispersement” tells you how much your data is spread out. Specifically, it shows you how much your data is spread out around the mean or average.
Propose that aging is the result of inevitable small random changes that accumulate with time.