Germany- Was the Weimar Republic doomed from the start? Flashcards
What was Germany before 1870?
It was a collection of small states. The largest of which was called Prussia.
Who became the leader of Germany in 1888?
Kaiser Wilhelm II
When was Germany unified?
Why did Germany need a new government?
Germany was starving and could not carry on with the First World War and needed to make peace. The Allies would not make peace unless they got rid of the Kaiser and set up a democracy. October 1918-Germany navy mutiny and refuse to fight, 10th Novermber 1918-Kaiser flees to Holland, Ebert signs the Armistice.
When did the First World War end?
11th November 1918-this was when the Armistice was signed.
Where did the left-wing Spartacus League (the Spartacists) get their name from
The famous Roman gladiator-Spartacus
What was the SPD and who was their leader?
The Social Democrats and their leader was Friedrich Ebert
What was the name of the democratic government established in Germany?
The Weimar Republic
Who was the first chancellor of Weimar?
Friedrick Ebert (SPD)
What happened in January 1919 in Berlin ?
The Spartacists took over the government’s newspaper and telegraph bureau
Why did the Spartacists fail to take power in 1919?
They wanted to start a revolution similar to the Russian Revolution, however other left-wing groups did not support them. The rising was easily crushed by the Friekorps. The Spartacist leaders, Rosa Luxemberg and Karl Lieknecht, were killed.
Who were the Freikorps?
They were ex-soldiers who were returned from war and initially helped Weimar to keep control.
What happened on 28th June 1919?
The Treaty of Versailles was signed by the German representatives.
What was Article 231?
It was the article in the Treaty of Versailles that said that the Germans were to blame for the war-many Germans resented this.
What were the military terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
The army was reduced to 100,000 men, the air force had to be disbanded. The navy was reduced to 15,000 men 6 battleships and no submarines. This was humiliating for Germany.
How much did Germany have to pay in reparations?
£6,600 million.
What were the territorial terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
Alsace-Lorraine was given to France, West Prussia was given to Poland (made the Polish Corridor), the Rhineland was demilitarised, they lost overseas colonies. In total they lost 13% of their land. They were banned from joining with Austria (Anschluss) .
Did Germany have a choice as to whether to sign the Treaty of Versailles?
No, it was a Diktat-they were made to sign it.
Who was blamed for stabbing the German army in the back?
The Weimar Government, the communists and the Jews. This was called the ‘stab in the back myth’
What political challenges did the Weimar Government face between 1919 and 1923?
The Spartacists (1919), the Kapp Putsch (1920), the Red Rising in the Ruhr (1920), the Munich Putsch (1923)
Who was the leader of the Kapp Putsch (1920)?
Wolfgang Kapp
What happened at the Kapp Putsch?
Wolfgang Kapp led the Freikorps into Berlin and declared a new national government. The army did not stop them and the government fled to Dresden. The politicians appealed to worked to help them by going on a strike. The Kapp Putsch collapsed after 5 days.
Who was in charge of Weimar?
The President (elected every 5 years)
Who appointed the Chancellor of Weimar?
The President appointed the Chancellor from the majority party in the Reichstag
How were MPs elected into the Reichstag?
They were elected by the people of Germany
What type of voting system did Weimar use, and why was this a problem?
Proportional Representation-This was a problem because a number of smaller parties could be voted in. This meant it was hard to get a majority vote and could lead to a number of coalition governments.
What was the Reichstag?
This was the name for the German parliament.
What caused France and Belgium to invade the Ruhr in 1923?
Germany did not make the 2nd reparation payment, so they invaded the Ruhr to take the money that was owed to them.
What did the German government tell the workers in the Ruhr to do in 1923?
Go on a general strike (passive resistance). If they aren’t working then the French wont be able to take anything from them.
Why was this strike a problem for Germany?
As the Ruhr land was a very industrial area, it meant that it wasn’t producing anything so Germany was made even poorer.
How did the invasion of the Ruhr lead to hyperinflation?
The German government couldn’t pay for the strike, so they printed more money. As a result, the money became worthless.
What is hyperinflation?
This is when the value of money becomes worthless and the price of goods increases at a massive rate.
Who benefitted from hyperinflation?
People in debt (debts could be cleared), the rich were protected as they had goods which would be worth money, rich businessmen benefitted because they could buy the smaller businesses, some workers if they had a job benefitted because their wages increased, but unemployment rose rapidly.
Who was damaged by hyperinflation?
Old people on fixed incomes and had savings, these became worthless, the unemployed, the Middle Classes lost business and savings., the Weimar government.
When was the Munich Putsch?
8-9th November 1923
What were the main challenges for Weimar between 1919-1923?
The ‘stab in the back myth’, the Treaty of Versailles, political violence, invasion of the Ruhr, hyperinflation
How did the problems between 1919-1923 damage Weimar?
The memories of the suffering did not disappear, the Treaty was humiliating for Germany, many were angry at the government, some people did not trust the government.