Germany: Nazi policies towards women, youth and the church Flashcards
The three K’s
Kinder, Kirche, Küche
Children, Church, Kitchen
What measure was introduced to encourage women to give up work for motherhood?
Interest free loans were offered to married couples if the woman gave up work. A quarter of the loan was cancelled out every time a child was born.
8000 of these loans were taken up and the birth rate rose dramatically.
What impact did the Nazis have on women’s lives
Discouraged from wearing make up, styling their hair, wearing trousers, smoking, dieting.
Men were allowed to divorce them if they were infertile, even if it was because of a disease they gave them.
What were women expected to do when the war came?
Work a full time job and raise at least 4 children.
Nazi youth organisations
Hitler Youth and BDM (league of German Maidens)
Why was the church a problem for the Nazis?
Because so many germans would choose to follow the church over Hitler if it came to a power struggle.
The Concordat
July 1933
What was the Concordat?
An agreement between the Nazis and the Church that they would be left alone if they stayed out of politics.
The National Reich Church
What was the National reich church?
An attempt by the Nazis to unite all religions under one state approved church.
The German Faith Movement
Hitler encouraged a paganistic religion based on the worship of the sun.