Germany Depth Study- Life in Nazi Germany Flashcards
How did Hitler change the political system in Germany?
It changed from a democracy to a dictatorship.
What did Hitler want to do with Germany?
- A strong Germany-strong army, strong and prosperous economy. 2. A racial Germany-believed the Aryan race was superior. 3. The Volk or the people’s community-people would contribute to Germany, not their individual needs, loyal to Hitler, loyal to the people and loyal to Germany.
Who was in charge of Nazi propaganda?
Josef Goebbels (put in charge in 1928)
Who was in charge of the SS (Hitler’s private army)
Heinrich Himmler-in charge of the SS from 1929, put in charge of the police and the Gestapo in 1936. Set up the Death’s Head units and Einsatzgruppen of the SS who worked on labour camps and carried out mass-killings of the Jews
What does SS stand for?
Schutz Staffel which means protection squad-they were initially Hitler’s private army
How many members did the SS have by1939?
Himmler built it up from 50 to 240,000 members by 1939
What colour were the SS uniforms?
What physical qualities did you have to have to become part of the SS?
You needed to physically fit and Aryan. They were very strict on the entry requirements, until 1936 even a tooth filling was enough to keep a man out of the SS.
What was the SS’ role in the Night of the Long Knives in 1934?
They helped to crush the SA-they were fiercely loyal to Hitler
What powers did the SS have?
When the Nazis took control, the SS started to terrorise and intimidate the German people into obedience. They had unlimited power to arrest people without trial, search houses and confiscate property. Later they ran the concentration camps.
What were the Waffen SS?
A fighting unit of the SS, their power soon rivalled the power of the army.
What did the Nazi party do with their opposition when they first came to power?
Put them in temporary prisons. These were often in remote rural areas where opponents were subjected to torture, hard labour and re-education.
Who controlled the concentration camps?
Heinrich Himmler
How had concentration camps changed by the late 1930s?
They were run by the Death’s Head units. They were now forced labour camps and often slave labour was used to make all kinds of goods. Some of these camps became death camps.
What was the Gestapo?
The secret police
Who rant the Gestapo before 1936?
Hermann Goering
Who took over the Gestapo in 1936?
Heinrich Himmler
What powers did the Gestapo have?
They had a network of informers, tapped telephones,, intercepted mail and spied on people. They could strike at anytime.
Who were the informers?
Each town was divided into blocks with a Nazi Block Warden who visited the block regularly. These local leaders were supposed to be the eyes and the ears of the party. They could report anyone showing signs of independent thinking.
How did Hitler control the law courts?
He made the judges take an oath of loyalty to him.
How did the Nazis use the law courts?
The law courts could be used by the Nazis against people who opposed them.
What crimes could be punishable by death from 1933?
Listening to foreign radio stations or publishing anti-government leaflets, telling an anti-Nazi joke, having sexual intercourse with a Jew.
What happened to Anti-Nazi newspapers?
They were shut down
Who told newspapers what angle to take on news and what pictures and stories to publish?
The Ministry of Propaganda
What was the Nuremberg Rally?
Large rally with 100,000 Nazis, 32,000 flags, 150 searchlights. This was a form of propaganda to portray an image or order, unity and power to the people.
What did the Nazi party burn as soon as they came to power?
They organised official book burnings. They destroyed books by Communists, Socialists, Jews, books written by anyone or contained anything they disproved of.
Who published all books during the Nazi regime?
The Ministry of Propaganda-controlled by Goebbels
What is propaganda?
Propaganda is presenting a one-sided viewpoint.
What was the ‘People’s Receiver’?
A cheap radio made by the Nazis that did not pick foreign broadcasts.
How many German households had a radio by 1939?
70%-These allowed Nazi propaganda radio broadcasts to be heard. For those who didn’t have a radio, loud speakers were put up in public squares.
Who controlled all films made by Germany in the 1930s?
Name one famous propaganda film made during the 1930s?
The Triumph of the Will about the Nuremberg Rally in 1934.
What event was organised in 1936 by Goebbels as a way of showing German off on the world stage?
The 1936 Berlin Olympic games.
When was the Hitler Youth first formed?
Who was the Reich Youth Leader (in charge of youth organisations)?
Baldur von Schirach
What was the branch of the Hitler Youth that was aimed at girls?
League of Young Girls and the League of German Maidens
What happened to other youth organisations once the Nazis came to power?
They were closed down.
How many young people were part of the Hitler Youth by 1939?
What sort of activities did boys do in the Hitler Youth?
Physical activities, hiking, running, listening to Nazi ideas
What sort of activities did girls do in the Hitler Youth?
Keeping fit, home-making
What was the aim of the Hitler Youth?
Develop young people into loyal Nazis ready to take part in society. Hitler realised that to control the future, he must control the youth.
What changes happened in schools when the Nazis came to power?
More emphasis on PE. History-taught about the rise of the Nazis and the wickedness of the Jews and Communists. Biology-pupils were taught about the superior Aryan race. German-Focused on the war heroes. Geography-taught about the lands that had been taken from Germany. Maths-even maths questions had an agenda.
Was there any opposition to Hitler?
Yes there was opposition.
What underground resistance was there to the Nazis?
Working-class groups produced anti-government leaflets. there was some sabotage of factories, railways and army depots, some also acted as spies for other countries.
What passive resistance was there to the Nazis?
Some people refused to salute, some did not contribute to Nazi funds, some political parties met in secret, some people just complained about the Nazis, told anti-Nazi jokes
Why did grumbling about the Nazi party not turn to open opposition?
Germany was afraid, the opposition was divided, pepel didn’t know the full extent of Nazi atrocities, some were actually happy with the Nazis, opposition was not organised.
Why was the Church an issue for the Nazis?
Seen as a threat to the power of the Nazis as religious beliefs were powerful, church meetings could be used to spread anti-Nazi ideas. However, many Church members had voted for the Nazis, there was some common ground between the Nazis and the church, therefore they could be used by the Nazis
What did the Catholic Church sign in 1933?
A Concordat (understanding) with Hitler. Hitler promised to the Catholics could continue with their religious work..
What happened to the Protestant Church?
United under the heading the Reich Church, led by pro-Nazi Bishop Muller. They became known as the German Christians and adopted many Nazi things-slogan, swastika
What was the German Faith Movement?
Alternative to Christianity-pagan-style worship adopting worship of the sun.
Who was Martin Niemoller?
Disliked the German Christians and formed an alternative ‘Confessional Church’ . He was put in a concentration camp.
Name some of the other religious people who opposed Nazi changes to the Church
Paul Schneider, Cardinal Galen,Josef Fath, Jehovah’s Witnesses
What happened to many Church schools and religious activities between 1935-1939?
Many services were banned, religious schools shut, RE banned.
What did Hitler call the Master Race?
What were the ideal German features?
Blond hair, blue eyes, oval-faced, red-cheeked (Nordic looking)
What happened to those that did not meet the ideal German features?
Propaganda against the, Sterilisation Law (stop them having kids), concentration camps, euthanasia.
What was Kristallnacht?
Night of the broken glass in 1938-Destroyed Jewish shops and homes
When were the Berlin Olympics?
What did workers have to join during Nazi rule?
DAF (Deutsche Arbeitsfront) headed by Robert Ley
What was the DAF?
Organisation that workers and employers had to join. Put people to work and settled any disputes.
What was the ‘Beauty of Labour’ organisation?
Organisation to persuade employers to improve working conditions in factories, organised campaigns such as ‘Good ventilation in the workplace’
What was the ‘Strength through Joy’ organisation?
Organised the leisure time of the workers.
What was the Reich Labour Service (RAD)?
All men aged 18-25 had to do forced labour-unpopular as hard work and poorly paid.
What was the ‘People’s car’?
Scheme where workers paid money towards a Volkswagon. Many paid but few were delivered.
What was the ‘New Plan’?
Economic policy from 1934-1936 by Hjalmar Schacht-tackled unemployment by rebuilding German cities, building autobahns, starting conscription to the army, compulsory Labour Service, dismissing Jews from certain jobs.
Who replaced Hjalmar Schacht to deal with the German economy?
Hermann Goering
What was the ‘Four Year plan’?
Economic plan to boost economy and prepare Germany for war, it also aimed to make Germany self-sufficient (Autarky)
Was the Four Year Plan successful?
Although they poured billions into the Four Year Plan, by 1939 Germany still depended on foreign imports for one-third of its raw materials. Production of arms took precedence over raw materials.
Where was Germany spending the majority of its money by 1939?
On rearmament
What did Hitler want women to do in 1933?
Stay at home, have babies and be good Nazis.
Why did Hitler want mothers in 1933?
The birth rate was falling and Hitler realised for Germany to be a great nation it needed a larger population.
Who was the head of the Nazi Women’s Bureau?
Gertrude Scholtz-Klink
What type of women did the Nazis want?
Did not work, Aryan (blond hair, blue eyes, heavy-hipped, athletic), cooked home meals that would be economical, dressed in home produced clothing, did not smoke, limited make up, raised children as loyal Nazis and to worship the Fuhrer
How were women encouraged to be become the ideal Nazi women?
Huge propaganda campaign that promoted the ideal Nazi woman, loans to encourage marriage, gave rewards for the number of children they had-THe Honour Cross of the German mother (Gold for 8 children, silver for 6 children, bronze for 4 children)
What changed for women by 1937?
Germany started to rearm so they needed women to start working, but also still wanted them to keep having children.
What actually happened to women’s employment during the 1930s?
Despite the push for women to be at home, in 1935 there were more women work than before the Nazis. Women were cheaper to employ than men.