Germany 1918 - 1945 Flashcards
When was The Treaty of Versailles?
28th June 1919
What were the punishments for the Germany at The Treaty of Versailles?
Land, Army, Money, Blame
13% Land taken, Army reduced to 10000, £6,600 million reparations, Blame for WWI
What was the Spartacist uprising?
German Communists (KPD) tried to overthrow the WR but they failed after Ebert called on the Friekorps to stop it
What was the Kapp Putsch?
When the Friekorps and Military tried to overthrow the Government to give power back to the Kaiser. Was stopped when the public went on strike so no food or water
When was the Ruhr Crisis?
January 1923 - July 1925 the Ruhr was occupied by French and Belgian forces
What happened in the Ruhr Crisis?
French and Belgian forces invaded the industrial areas of Germany after they failed to pay reparations. They took raw materials from the Ruhr instead
What were the effects of the Ruhr Crisis?
The workers went on strike, and the Government printed more money to pay them, leading to hyperinflation
What happened in Hyperinflation?
After hyperinflation started, it was hard to stop and it got out of control. After 5yrs 0.63 marks loaf of bread was 201,000,000 marks
New Currency - Rentenmark
Stopped Hyperinflation, Money printing was tightly controlled, Brought back Foreign trade
Didn’t bring back pensions or savings
Dawes Plan
USA loans of 800 million marks to boost German economy, Reparations reduced, industrial production was up
Reliant on USA for money, still have debt and interest
Young Plan
Reparations reduced again, economy is up, Public Happy, 86% supported plan
Nazis didn’t like it, Economy crashed
Locarno treaties
Making amends with European countries, agreed on western borders
Germany lost land on the west for good, Nazis disagreed again, Eastern border not agreed
League of Nations
Germany involved in big discussions, starting to be accepted, public Happy
Didn’t fix Treaty of Versailles, Nazis disagreed again
Kellog-Briand Pact
Weimar Republic respected by international community, didn’t have to go to war
Didn’t really happen, Nazis disagreed (again)
What was the 25-Point program?
A list of 25 points that the Nazis told the public were their ideals and the public mostly agreed
What was the Munich Putsch?
An uprising of the Nazi party that started in Munich, when Hitler stormed the Beer hall and forced Von Kahr and Von Lassow to support him. They failed. 16 civilians and 4 police died.
Effects of the Munich Putsch
16 Civilans and 4 police died, Hitler fled and was later arrested and sentenced to 5yrs in prison, NSDAP banned and support dropped
What actually happened for the effects of the Munich Putsch
Hitler served 9 months, used trial for publicity and wrote ‘Mein Kampf’ while in prison, NSDAP unbanned in 1925, Nazi members up