Germany [1890 - 1945] Flashcards
Who was in control of Germany in 1871?
Kaiser Wilhelm II
What were some of the ‘Kaisers’ powers and influence on Germany?
- He appointed the Chancellor/ Could also dismiss them
- Power to dissolve the Reichstag
- In charge of Foreign Policy
What are some of the features of the German army ?
- They swore an oath of allegiance to the Kaiser
- The highest ranked soldiers advised the Kaiser
- Officers were upper class, usually right wing
What was a Chancellor, and what were they able to do?
- Could choose to ignore the Reichstag
- Proposed laws and topics to be debated in the Bundesrat
What is the Bundesrat, and what did they do?
- The German federal council, and they proposed laws to the Reichstag
What was the Reichstag, and what did they do?
The German Parliament, and they passed, amended or rejected laws proposed.
What is militarism?
The idea that a country should have strong armed forces.
What were some of Kaiser Wilhelm II aims and beliefs?
- He believed it was his destiny to rule
- He wanted to rival Britain as the most powerful country in the world
- He was a strong believer in militarism
What was the name of the Socialistic Political Party?
Social Democratic Party (SPD).
What is industrialisation?
- The process of moving from a largely agricultural economy to one based on manufacturing industrial good [like raw materials, large equipments, component part etc..]
What were some of the Advantages of Industrialisation in Germany?
- Help to build more efficient transport systems which in turn aided trade and communication
- Germany out-produced the rest of Europe in electrical goods and chemicals
- Coal, Iron and Steel production grew rapidly
What is Socialism?
The idea that the profits from industry should be shared equally between everyone in society.
How did industrialism cause difficulties for the Kaiser?
It caused many problems he was expected to fix. For example;
- Rapid urbanisation; which created poor living condition and increase of disease…
- Social Problems; like the disliking of ‘foreigners’ [Anti-Semitism]
- The widened gap between the rich and the poor; and since food became expensive [and it was no longer produced through agriculture, rather it was imported] those at the bottom suffered significantly - which would’ve increased the growth of socialism.
What is Weltpolitik?
World Politics, which is the idea of transforming Germany into a global power.
How did the Kaiser Help to achieve the goal of Global Dominance ?
- He built a powerful navy. A series of Navy Laws were passed that extended the size and power of the navy.
What were some of the reasons for the Navy Laws?
- achieve his goal of Global Domination and have it be a symbol of Germanies greatness.
- Rival the Navy of Britain.
- Potentially increase Germany’s empire
What were Some of the Domestic consequences that occurred as a result of the Navy Laws?
- Taxes were raised which affected the poor
- The Navy Laws encouraged Patriotism and Nationalism [Therefore increasing support for the Weltpolitik]
- Helped create more jobs
What were some of Germanies most worrying consequences that came from the war weariness?
- Food shortages; many were malnourished
- Shortages of medical essentials
When was WW1?
1914 - 1918
How did Germany lose the First World War?
Army leaders advised the beginning of negotiations for an armistice[formal agreement to end the war]. During this time the Military and army began to lose trust in the Kaiser. After some time, the Army stopped following the Kaiser completely and this caused him to flee from Germany as he had no support at all. Then Germanies new government signed the Armistice and Germany had been defeated.
What was the Treaty of Versailles?
The official agreement that ended the war.
What were the terms Germany had to agree to in the Treaty of Versailles ?
- Paying reparations [6.6 billion Marks over 66 years.]
- Limits on German military
- War Guilt: Accepting Germany started the war
- Loss of land [and colonies]
What is Hyperinflation?
When there is a dramatic increase in price of goods… This can occur due to the mass printing of money [money is no longer of value]
What were some of the negative effects of Hyperinflation?
- People could not afford essentials
- Businesses went bankrupt
- Savings were worthless [so this affected the middle class most]
Example; a loaf of bread went from costing 250 Mark to 200,000 Million Marks
What were some of the Positive effects of Hyperinflation?
- Farmers were paid more for food
- People could pay off their loans and mortgages
What differs the Weimer constitution from the German Empire of 1890?
- An elected President[who was elected every 7 years], rather than a monarch [difference in power]
- Men AND WOMEN under the age of 21 could vote
- Proportional representation in parties[made sure small parties had seats]
What was the extreme left-wing political group?
The Spartacists.
What was the Spartacist Revolt?
The Spartacists took over the government newspaper and tried to organise a general strike in Berlin
What was the extreme right-wing political group?
The Freikorps; Made up of ex-soldiers
What dies Putsch mean?
A violent attempt to overthrow the government
What was the Munich Putsch ?
1000 SA and Nazi supporters marched on Hitler attempting to declare Hitler president.
What was the currency introduced during the Stressemen Era?
The Rentenmark; A new currency that was tied to the value of gold so it had real value
What was the Young Plan?
A plan designed by American banker Young to help Germany pay for War reparations.
- Reducing the debt of £6.6 billion to £2 billion over a longer period of time
Explain how the German economy was still vulnerable,
- reliant on American loans; so if they went down they would face the knock on effect
- Extreme political parties were against paying reparations
What was the Locarno Pact 1925?
An agreement between Germany and other major European countries… In it;
- Germany agreed to its new borders with France
- Germany agreed to the demilitarisation of the Rhineland
Why was the Locarno Pact a success for Germany?
- Improved relation with France
- Increased the status and popularity of the Weimer constitution
What is the League of Nations?
An international body that discussed world problems in order to avoid resorting to war.
- Germany was initially excluded, but were later invited to become a member.
How was the League of Nations a success for Germany?
- Germany views and opinions now mattered
- Boosted the confidence in the Weimer government
What was the Kellogg-Briand Pact 1928?
An agreement [between 62 countries] to avoid using war to achieve foreign objectives
How was the Kellogg-Briand Pact a success for Germany?
- Increased public confidence in how Germany was being led.
- Showed Germany was once again a major power.
What were the limits of these International Agreements?
- Economy was dependant on loans
- Not all Germans were a fan of the Agreements
- Extremist parties had not disappeared
What is expressionism?
an abstract style of art where feelings and emotions are more important than showing physical reality.
How did the Great depression increase support for extremist parties?
- People had lost faith in Democracy
- Working class were facing an unemployment crisis so turned to Communism
- Middle and Upper-class turned to extreme right wing [Nazi] as they were afraid of communists gaining power and taking over their business
- In general, people turned to the Nazis as they wanted a stronger Government
What impact did the Great Depression/Wall St Crash [1928-32] have on Germany?
- As the German economy was dependant on loans from America, they were now demanded to repay back all the loans.
- This caused German people to lose jobs, Business not receiving investment etc…
What was the book Hitler wrote in prison?
Mein Kampf [‘My Struggles’] - were he expresses his political and racial ideas
What were the SS?
Hitler’s Elite Force
Who were the SA?
Hitler’s army of thugs and ex-soldiers
How did Hitler appeal to Germans?
- Used the desperation people felt during the Great Depression to his advantage
- Hitler was an effective and motivating speaker and his speech attracted all different groups of people
- effective use of propaganda
- Using fear and violence to sabotage opposition parties, Through the SA
What did Papen and Hindenburg try and do to Hitler?
- As Hitler was gaining more influence, both of these men [who were the president and vice-chancellor] believe that they would be able to control him as some form of puppet mastery. However, they underestimated Hitler’s charisma.
How did the Hitler and the Nazi’s secure dictatorship?
- Using the Reichstag Fire to pass the Enabling Act - and finally removing all opposition.
What was the Reichstag Fire?
- It was when a communist was executed for staring a fire in the Reichstag [Parliament], Hitler seized this opportunity to accuse the communist party of conspiracy against the government. He managed to leverage this and secure more Nazi seats… which Ultimately allowed him to pass the Enabling Act.
What was the Enabling Act?
The act passed that allowed Hitler to make new laws without consulting anyone.
How did Hitler use the Enabling Act to remove oppositions?
- He created a law against the formation of any parties and he banned the ones that were currently running at the time
- He also removes trade unions
How did Hitler establish his dictatorship
- He removed all oppositions
- He got rid of the SA
- He used propaganda [to present himself as heroic and powerful]
- He made the army swear an oath of allegiance to him [not Germany]
What was the night of the Long Knives?
It was the day he got rid of the SA… He invited Rohm and other SA leaders, upon their arrival they were arrested and later shot
Why did he rid himself of the SA
- They were undisciplined
- He was afraid they would become a powerful rival as they had at least 3 million soldier
What were some of the things the Nazis did to revive the economy after the Wall St crash?
- put controls on wages and prices to avoid hyperinflation
- Gave loans to businesses to increase production and hire more workers.
- Hired Schact who was a recognised financial genius
What was the National labour service [RAD]?
- An organisation making it compulsory for all men aged 18-25 to serve for 6 months working on farms/public work programmes
What were the aims of The Four-Year plan
Self-sufficiency [look after yourself, without external support - in terms of raw materials and food] and Rearmament [equip military weapons]… In order to prepare for war.
- They spent more than 25 billion marks on rearmament
Pros of Nazi Economic Policy?
- Businesses benefitted from increased investment
- Unemployment was reduced
- Weekly wages rose
Cons of Nazi Economic Policy?
- Cost of food rose; cancelling out wage increases
- Working hours increased
When was WW2?
1939 - 1945
What were the impacts of the war on Germany?
- Shortage of food [major rationing]; people relied on the black market to purchase decent meals.
- Deaths; Bombings left millions dead, wounded or homeless
- Labour shortages; Everyone contributed to the war by working, even children through the Hitler Youth
What was ‘Total War’?
When the whole economy was geared towards the war.
- For example, any businesses not involved in war work or food production where closed
What did the Nazis believe a woman’s role was in society?
- To breed and raise a ‘master race’ of Germans [Aryan]
What was the Law of Encouragement of Marriage [1933]?
Newly married couples received 1,000 Marks and kept 250 marks per child they had.
What were woman in Nazi Germany judged on?
- Children, Kitchen, Church
What was the Mothers Cross?
Medals awarded to women for the amount of children they had. [Bronze; 4. Silver;6. Gold;8]
How did Hitler indoctrinate the youth?
- Creating youth groups based around the Nazi ideology [Hitler youth, League of German Maidens etc…
- Propaganda; School lessons were filled with Nazi ideas, Nazi flags and posters.
How did Hitler Come to agreement with Churches?
- Signed a concordat [an agreement stating Churches were allowed to run as normal as long as they didn’t interfere in politics
- Created a Reich Church [that was pro-Nazi]
What was the Popes statement, ‘With Burning Anxiety’ about?
- The Popes critique against the Nazi Regime after Hitler had closed Catholic schools, etc…
What is ‘Aryan’?
A Hitler belief that blonde-haired and blue eyed being are racial perfection [the master race]
Why did people hate Jews?
- Associated with communism
- Often successful which caused jealousy
- ‘Different’ [From their religious practise to clothing etc…]
- Blamed for WW1 defeat
What does the word ‘Untermenschen’ mean?
sub-human… It was used to describe every race apart from ‘Aryan’
What did some of the Nuremburg Laws state [Racial policies]?
- Only German blood can be citizens
- Jews cannot have German passports
- Jews cannot vote
What occurred in the Night of the Broken Glass?
- A young Jew shot a German, Goebells [Nazi Politician] used the event to stir up resentment against Jews.
–>So they attacked homes and synagogues all over the country. Goebells blamed the Jews for starting the trouble and fined them 1 billion marks.
How many Jews were Killed in the Night of the Broken Glass?
100 Jews were Killed
- [171 homes and 191 synagogues were destroyed]
What was the ‘Final Solution’?
A Nazi mission to exterminate every Jew in German territory.
How did they exterminate Jews? ?
- Creating gas chamber to place Jews in.
- Placing Jews in Ghettos [areas of a city enclosed with barbed wire on top, to separate Jews from the rest of the population]
How did the Nazis spread their Ideas and Beliefs?
- Propaganda; display of Nazi posters, Films with Nazi messages [German Heroes, Glorifying war, Evil of Jews, Communism etc…] , Huge rallies and Military Parades
- Censorship; Burning books that disagreed with Nazi ideas, Newspapers opposing Nazism were closed, etc..
What is a police state?
when a government uses police to control peoples life [through force or fear]
Who were the Gestapo?
A ‘secret police’ who spied on the general population to Identify opponents; when caught they were sent to concentration camps
How did Nazi Police State impact German people?
- People feared that Gestapo agents were everywhere and so they behaved as Nazis wanted them [otherwise they were sent to concentration camp]
- People were rewarded for information; so most informed on others because they were afraid it was a test to prove loyalty or held personal grudges
- Many were careful about discussing Nazi politics so it enabled them to carry on with their policies
Who were the Edelweiss Pirates?
An anti-Nazi group made up of mainly boys who rebelled by taunting Hitler Youth and writing Anti-Nazi Graffiti
Who were the Swing Youth?
Anti-Nazi group who rebelled by organising illegal dances wearing American clothes and listening to banned music.
[they were attended by thousands]
Who were the White Rose Group?
A non-violent group who wanted to let people know about the atrocities that were happening, through handing out leaflets opposing Nazis and the war.
What was the July Plot?
A plot to kill Hitler using a bomb in a briefcase during a military conference… Unfortunately, the bomb only injured Hitler.