German Vocab Flashcards
<p>He / she / it plays ....</p>
<p>er/sie/es spielt ....</p>
<p>I make / I do .......</p>
<p>Ich mache ....</p>
<p>FahrenIch ....Du ....Wir ....Ihr ....Sie ....</p>
<p>Fahren (irregular verb) to driveIch fahre ....Du fährst fährt ....Wir fahren ....Ihr fahrt ....Sie fahren ....</p>
<p>He / she / it goes ....... (by foot)</p>
<p>er/sie/es geht ....</p>
<p>Das Wohnzimmer</p>
<p>The living room</p>
<p>Herzlich willkommen</p>
<p>Heartfelt welcome</p>
<p>We come ....</p>
<p>Wir kommen ....</p>
<p>Sagen Ich ....Du ....Wir ....Ihr ....Sie ....</p>
<p>Sagen (regular verb) to sayIch sage ....Du sagst sagt ....Wir sagen ....Ihr sagt ....Sie sagen....</p>
<p>The backpack</p>
<p>Der Rucksack</p>
<p>We drive ...</p>
<p>Wir fahren ....</p>
<p>They come .... You come ... (formal)</p>
<p>Sie kommen....</p>
<p>Die Wand</p>
<p>The wall</p>
<p>We see .....</p>
<p>Wir sehen ....</p>
<p>You say ... (formal)They say ...</p>
<p>Sie sagen....</p>
<p>I see ...</p>
<p>Ich sehe ....</p>
<p>to celebrate</p>
<p>You'll bring</p>
<p>Ihr bringt ....</p>
<p>You’ll have ….(you pl.)</p>
<p>Ihr habt ….</p>
<p>Das Arbeitszimmer</p>
<p>Work Room, Home Office or Study</p>
<p>I am …</p>
<p>Ich bin ….</p>
<p>I have</p>
<p>Ich habe …</p>
<p>You drive .... (informal)</p>
<p>Du fährst ....</p>
<p>TunIch ....Du ....Wir ....Ihr ....Sie ....</p>
<p>Tun (irregular verb) to doIch tue....Du tust tut ....Wir tun ....Ihr tut ....Sie tun ....</p>
<p>You play ... (formal)They play ....</p>
<p>Sie spielen ....</p>
<p>Der Keller</p>
<p>The cellar</p>
<p>I bring ......</p>
<p>Ich bringe ....</p>
<p>We will .....</p>
<p>Wir werden ....</p>
<p>The waiterThe waitressThe waiters</p>
<p>Der Kellner Die KellnerinDie Kellner</p>
<p>I drive (go by vechical)...</p>
<p>Ich fahre ....</p>
<p>He / she / it makes / do ......</p>
<p>er/sie/es macht ....</p>
<p>Diving tower</p>
<p>Drei Mal</p>
<p>Three times</p>
<p>Der Abteilungsleiter</p>
<p>The Department Leader</p>
<p>You say ... (informal)</p>
<p>Du sagst ....</p>
<p>Das Geschenk</p>
<p>The present</p>
<p>You bring .... (informal)</p>
<p>Du bringst ....</p>
<p>Das Messer</p>
<p>The knife</p>
<p>Ich say ...</p>
<p>Ich sage ....</p>
<p>He / she / it will .....</p>
<p>er/sie/es wird ....</p>
<p>18th Floor</p>
<p>Achten Stock.</p>
<p>Der Eingang</p>
<p>The entrance</p>
<p>SeinIch ....Du ....Wir ....Ihr ....Sie....</p>
<p>Sein (irregular verb) to beIch bin ....Du bist ist ....Wir sind ....Ihr seid ....Sie sind ....</p>
<p>The password</p>
<p>Das Passwort</p>
<p>MachenIch ....Du ....Wir ....Ihr ....Sie ....</p>
<p>Machen (regular verb) to make / to doIch mache ....Du machst macht ....Wir machen ....Ihr macht ....Sie machen ....</p>
<p>You make / do .....</p>
<p>Du machst ....</p>
<p>of course</p>
<p>Selbstverständlich - “self-understandable”natürlich - “naturally”</p>
<p>You will .... (formal)They will .....</p>
<p>Sie werden ....</p>
<p>The key</p>
<p>Der schlüssel</p>
<p>Change (money)</p>
<p>We play ...</p>
<p>Wir spielen ....</p>
<p>The room card</p>
<p>Die Zimmer karte</p>
<p>We have …</p>
<p>Wir haben ….</p>
<p>You are ….. (formal)They are ….</p>
<p>Sie sind ….</p>
<p>They take .....You take ..... (formal)</p>
<p>Sie nehmen ....</p>
<p>Das Büro</p>
<p>The office</p>
<p>They make / do ...You make .... (formal)</p>
<p>Sie machen ....</p>
<p>The taxi</p>
<p>Das Taxi</p>
<p>Wie viel</p>
<p>How much</p>
<p>Das Geschäft</p>
<p>The store / shop</p>
<p>You will ... (informal)</p>
<p>Du wirst ....</p>
<p>The bag</p>
<p>Die Tasche</p>
<p>He / she / it</p>
<p>er/sie/es sagt ....</p>
<p>Die Treppe</p>
<p>The stairs</p>
<p>You'll take ....</p>
<p>Ihr nehmt ....</p>
<p>The breakfast</p>
<p>Das Frühstück</p>
<p>You come (informal)</p>
<p>Du kommst ....</p>
<p>the passport</p>
<p>Der Reisepass</p>
<p>the room</p>
<p>Das Zimmer</p>
<p>The train</p>
<p>Der Zug</p>
<p>You heard ... (formal)They heard ...</p>
<p>Sie hören ....</p>
<p>Seldom / Rarely</p>
<p>to pay</p>
<p>You go .... (informal) (by foot)</p>
<p>Du gehst ....</p>
<p>Das Fenster</p>
<p>The window</p>
<p>The elevator</p>
<p>Der FahrstuhlDer AufzugDer Lift</p>
<p>Er/she/it is …..</p>
<p>Er/sie/es ist ……</p>
<p>Pay with cash or card.</p>
<p>Zahlen Sie bar order Karte?</p>
<p>You'll play ....</p>
<p>Ihr spielt ....</p>
<p>WissenIch ....Du ....Wir ....Ihr ....Sie ....</p>
<p>Wissen (irregular verb) to knowIch weiß ....Du weißt weiß ....Wir wissen ....Ihr wisst ....Sie wissen ....</p>
<p>I take ...</p>
<p>Ich nehme....</p>