German Unification Flashcards
Congress of Vienna
- 1815
- Prussia Gains Rhineland ->which allowed growth of industry
Groups supporting Nationalism
Middle Class:
- wanted political power
- tax reduction
- removal of trade restrictions
- debate between Gross/Klein Deutschland
- wanted freedom of press
- constitutional monarchy
- civil equality
- right to vote
Groups opposed to Nationalism
- AUSTRIA-thought Germans in Austria woud leave Austria(20% are German)
- GERMAN PRINCES-they would lose their power
- FRANCE&RUSSIA-Germany would become a rival and potentially more powerful
- PEASENTRY-loyal to landlords
United Diet of Prussian Estates
- called to help finance a new railway
- diet demanded written constitution, free elections and a united parliament
- diet is dissolved as a result of demands
1848 revolutions-Frederick William IV’s reforms
-presure from lower classes, Liberals and Nationalists force King to:
- draft constitution - allow elected parliament to advise hm - agree to a Parliament Meeting
Frankfurt Parliament: Constitution
- 1849
- attempted to draft a constitution:
- German states united as an Empire under an Emperor
- government provided by elected parliamenet
- government represents all states
- replace existing Bund
- Crown is offered to Frederick William
Fail : King refuses:
- can’t accept crown from the gutter-> showed how little importance parliament had
- not strong enough to unify Germany
Großdeutschlands vs. Kleindeutschland
- Prussia wanted Klein Deutschland to exclude Austria
- Austria wanted Gross Deutschland so it wouldn’t lose its control over German Affairs
- Bund threatened sanctions against Prussia- Prussia backed down
the Erfurt Parliament
- union of German leaders organised by Frederick William
- proposed Prussia to control FOREIGN POLICY and MILITARY MATTERS of member states
- many still supported Austria
the Punctation of Olmütz
- rebellion in Hesse-cassel(Prussian ALLY)
- debate whether Austria or Prussia should
- erfurt union was abolished
- confederation was re-established
- prussia was not to chalenge austrian leadership
- confederation was to solve the problem
- established in 1834
- toll free commercial area
- established by Prussia
- has 18 member states but excluded Austria
- removed trade barriers between member states-> increased trade
Prussian Economic Growth
- economic development
- producing more key resources than austria(coal&iron)
- zollvereign
- better infrastructure - reforms for workers
- lower taxes
- helped peasent get loans
- better working conditions - improved production
- because of access to raw materials on the Rhine
Prussian Military Growth
- Moltke supported independent smaller armies
- better artilery
- introduced the Needle gun
- developed railways-> rapid movement of troops
- enlarged and modernised army to be ready for war
- increased conscription to 3 years
Austrian Economic Decline
- couldn’t compete with Zollvereign
- geographically couldn’t trade with North Europe
Austrian International Decline
- lost key allies( Russia, France and North Italy) and its influence across Europe
- seen as untrustworthy and weak
Bismarck’s Priorities
- unify north German states
- eliminate Austria from the German Federation
- make berlin centre of affairs
- strengthen the position of king William I
Congress of Princes
- 1863
- austria tries to increase its power by increasing the power of the Federation
- Bismarck insists on popular elections(destroys Austria’s plan)
Schleswig-Holstein Question
- Schleswig(North-dutsch, south-german) wanted to be annexed from the federation
- bismarck convinces Austria to join in defensive war
- Holstein- ruled by austria
- Schleswig-ruled by Prussia
- both would join zollvereign& prussia had right of passage of military roads through holstein
Austro-Prussian War -background
- 1866
- lasted 7 weeks
- bismarck built alliences with Russia, France and Italy(PRFI)
Treaty of Prague
- Austria payed compensation
- Autria was to not get involved in Prusia’s affair
- Prussia would keep all captured territories
- north german states would unite into the North Grman Confederation with bismarck as chancellor
Franco-Prussian war excuse
- 1870
1. Spain offers crown to Leopold de Hohenzollern
2. france felt threatened being between 2 hohenzollern states
3. Leopold withdrew acceptance& france demanded Wilhelm withdraw any future support for Leopold
4. Wilhelm refused& sent telegram to bismarck to explain
5. bismarck edited the telegram and published it
Ems Telegram
- bismarck edits out the courtesies vand made it seems as te 2 leaders insulted eachother and publishes it
- this + demand for war in berlin and paris= war
- france declared war-> south states decide to help north states
Frankfurt Treaty
- established border between france and germany
- France lost Alsace-Lorraine and had to pay compensation
- new german constitution
- Wilhelm I recognised as the Kaiser of Germany
- 18 th January 1871
- capital in berlin
- alliance in war led to unfication
Franco-prussian War outbreak
- france thought they could win and napoleon III gain popularity
- prussia+allies outnumbered french army
- prussia was well supplied and quick
- france is heavily defeated