German to English with Footnotes Flashcards
Vocabulary for German practical driving exam
to turn
This refers to the action of changing direction while driving, typically indicated by turn signals or road signs.
to slow down
This means to reduce speed, usually to comply with traffic signals, road signs, or to avoid obstacles.
abbremsen mit höchstmöglicher verzögerung
to brake with maximum delay
This refers to emergency braking to avoid a collision, often requiring sudden and forceful application of the brakes.
(Замедляться с максимально возможной задержкой)
abschluss der prüfung
completion of the test
This typically refers to the end of a driving test or examination, indicating whether the test was passed or failed.
(Завершение экзамена)
ahrtechnischer Abschluss
driving technical completion
This refers to the successful completion of a technical driving assessment, ensuring all required skills are demonstrated.
(Техническое заключение)
to stop, come to a halt
This refers to bringing the vehicle to a complete halt, often at stop signs, red lights, or when required by road conditions.
to turn off
This typically means switching off the car’s engine or electrical systems.
to get out
This refers to exiting the vehicle, often after parking or reaching a destination.
to observe
This means to pay attention to road signs, signals, and other traffic rules to ensure safe driving.
(Принимать во внимание; соблюдать)
This preposition is often used in navigation instructions, such as ‘at the next intersection, turn left’.
(у, возле, около)
at the
Often used in phrases like ‘at the traffic light, turn left’.
to name
This could refer to identifying or naming parts of the vehicle or controls.
Refers to the use or operation of car parts, like ‘use of seatbelts’.
to brake
The action of applying the brakes to slow down or stop the vehicle.
(Тормозить, нажимать на тормоз)
das Fahrzeug
the vehicle
A general term for cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc.
(Тра́нспортное сре́дство)
das Fenster
the window
Refers to the car window, which can be opened or closed.
das Fenster öffnen
to open the window
The action of rolling down the car window.
(Открыть окно)
das Fenster schließen
to close the window
The action of rolling up the car window.
(Закрыть окно)
das Gebläse
the blower / ventilation
Part of the car’s ventilation system that blows air.
das Kühlmittel
the coolant
A fluid used in the car’s cooling system to prevent overheating.
(Охлаждающее вещество,)
das Lenkrad
the steering wheel
The wheel used by the driver to control the direction of the vehicle.
(Рулевое колесо, руль)
das Lenkschloß
the steering lock
A device that locks the steering wheel to prevent theft.
(Замок рулевого управления)
das Lenkschloss entriegeln
to unlock the steering column lock
The action of disabling the steering lock to drive the vehicle.
(Разблокировать замок рулевого управления)
das Motoröl
the motor oil
Lubricant used in the engine to keep it running smoothly.
(Моторное масло)
das Standlicht
the parking light
A light used when the vehicle is parked to make it visible.
(Подфа́рник стоя́ночный свет)
das Überholverbot
the no-overtaking zone
A road area where overtaking other vehicles is prohibited.
(Обгон запрещен)
das Verbot
the prohibition
Refers to any driving prohibitions indicated by road signs.
das Verbot der Einfahrt
the no entry sign
Indicates that entry is not allowed on a particular road.
(Запрет на въезд)
das Verkehrsverbot
the traffic ban
Prohibition of certain types of traffic in specific areas.
(Запрет на движение)
das Vorfahrtsschild
the right-of-way sign
Indicates which vehicle has the right of way at an intersection.
(Знак преимущественного проезда)
das Vorhandensein
the presence / existence
Used in the context of checking for the presence of certain features or conditions.
das Zeichen
the sign
Refers to any traffic sign providing information or instructions.
der Abschluss
the conclusion
Often refers to the end of a driving course or test.
(Коне́ц заключе́ние оконча́ние)
der Abstand
the distance
The safe distance to maintain between vehicles.
der Außenspiegel
the side mirror
Mirror on the side of the vehicle for rear and side view.
(Нару́жное зе́ркало за́днего ви́да)
der Außenspiegel einstellen
to adjust the side mirror
The action of positioning the side mirrors correctly.
(Регулировка наружных зеркал)
der Blinker
the turn signal
Light signals used to indicate the direction of a turn.
der Fahrstreifen
the lane
A designated part of the road for a single line of vehicles.
(Полоса движения)
der Fußgänger
the pedestrian
Refers to people walking on or crossing the road.
der Gang
the gear
Part of the transmission system, used to control the car’s speed and power.
der Hilfsbedürftige
the person in need
Refers to individuals who may require assistance, such as the elderly or disabled.
(Нуждающийся в помощи)
der Kreisverkehr
the roundabout
A circular intersection where traffic moves around a central island.
(Круговое движение)
der Lastwagen
the truck
A large vehicle used for transporting goods.
der Lichtschalter
the light switch
Control used to turn the vehicle’s lights on and off.
(Выключа́тель све́та)
der Motorradfahrer
the motorcyclist
A person who rides a motorcycle.
der Personenwagen
the passenger car
A vehicle designed to carry passengers.
der Radfahrer
the cyclist
A person who rides a bicycle.
der Reifendruck
the tire pressure
The amount of air in the vehicle’s tires.
(Да́вление в шине)
der Reifendruckprüfer
the tire pressure gauge
A tool used to measure tire pressure.
(Шинный манометр)
der Rückstrahler
the reflector
A device that reflects light to improve visibility of the vehicle.
(Световозвращатель, катафот)
der Schalthebel
the gear lever / gear stick
The lever used to change gears in a vehicle.
(Рычаг переключения передач)
der Schalthebelgriff
the gear lever grip
The handle on the gear lever.
(Рукоятка рычага переключения передач)
der Scheibenwischer
the windshield wiper
Device used to clear rain and debris from the windshield.
(Дворники автомобильные)
der Sicherheitsgurt
the seat belt
A safety device worn to secure the occupant in the vehicle.
(Ремень безопасности)
der Spiegel
the mirror
Refers to the rearview or side mirrors used for viewing traffic behind.
der Spiegel einstellen
to adjust the mirror
Positioning the mirrors for optimal rear and side view.
(Настроить зеркало)
der Stop-Schild
the stop sign
A sign indicating that the vehicle must come to a complete stop.
(Знак Стоп)
der Überholvorgang
the overtaking maneuver
The act of passing another vehicle on the road.
der Verkehr
the traffic
Refers to vehicles moving on the road.
(Трафик движение (транспорта))
der vorfahrtsstraße folgen
to follow the main / priority road
Continuing on the main road without turning off.
(Следовать по дороге)
der Vorrang
the priority
The right to proceed before other traffic.
der Vorrang Fußgänger
the pedestrian priority
Giving way to pedestrians.
(Приоритетный пешеход)
der Vorrang nicht beachtet bei
failure to give priority to
Not giving right of way when required.
(Не было учтено право преимущественного проезда)
die Abblendlicht
the low beam light
Headlight setting for normal night driving.
(Бли́жний свет)
die Ampel
the traffic light
Signal light that controls vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
die Ampel gelb
the traffic light yellow
Indicates that the light is about to change to red.
(Жёлтый сигнал светофора)
die Ampel grün
the traffic light green
Indicates that vehicles may proceed.
(Зелёный сигнал светофора)
die Ampel rot
the traffic light red
Indicates that vehicles must stop.
(Красный сигнал светофора)
die Ausfahrt
the exit
A road or ramp for leaving a highway or main road.
die Behinderung
the obstruction
Anything that blocks or impedes traffic flow.
(Препятствие, помеха)
die Belästigung
the harassment
Any behavior that disrupts or annoys other drivers.
(Надоедание, раздражающее поведение)
die Beschädigung
the damages
Physical harm caused to the vehicle.
(Повреждение, порча, повреждённое место)
die Betriebsbremse
the service brake (foot brake)
The main braking system used to slow down or stop the vehicle.
(Рабочая тормозная система, ножной тормоз)
die Bremsanlage
the brake system
The collection of components that allow the vehicle to brake.
(Тормозное устройство)
die Bremse
the brake
Device used to stop or slow down the vehicle.
die Bremsleuchte
the brake light(s)
The light that illuminates when the brake pedal is pressed.
(Фонарь стоп-сигнала)
die Bremsung
the braking
The act of applying the brakes to slow down or stop the vehicle.
die Fahrzeugbegriffe
the vehicle terms
Terminology related to different parts and functions of a vehicle.
(Название частей автомобиля)
die Fernlicht
the high beam light
Headlight setting for enhanced visibility on dark roads.
(Да́льний свет)
die Feststellbremse
the parking brake
Brake used to keep the vehicle stationary when parked.
(Стояночный тормоз)
die Frontscheibe
the windshield
The front window of the vehicle.
(Ветровое стекло)
die Funktion
the function
Refers to the specific use or role of a car part.
die Fußbremse
the foot brake
The brake pedal operated by the driver’s foot to slow down or stop the vehicle.
(Ножной тормоз)
die Gänge
the gears
Different settings in the transmission that control the vehicle’s speed and power.
die Gefahrbremsung
the emergency braking
Sudden and forceful application of the brakes to avoid a collision.
(Экстренное торможéние)
die Gefährdung
to endanger
Situations or actions that put the driver or others at risk.
(Создание угрозы)
die Gefährdung
the endangerment
die Gefahrenbremsung / Abbremsen mit höchstmöglicher Verzögerung
to emergency brake / brake with maximum deceleration
Applying the brakes as hard as possible to avoid an imminent collision.
(Экстренное торможение с максимально возможным замедлением)
die Grundfahraufgabe
the basic driving task
Fundamental driving maneuvers that must be mastered, such as parking or turning.
(Основная задача вождения)
die Grundfahraufgabe wiederholt fehlerhaft
the basic driving maneuvers repeatedly faulty
Consistent mistakes in performing essential driving maneuvers.
(Основная задача многократно ошибочна)
die Handbremse
the handbrake
Also known as the emergency brake, used to keep the vehicle stationary.
(Ручной тормоз, стояночный тормоз)
die Häufund oder Wiederholung von fehlern
frequent or repeated mistakes
Refers to multiple mistakes made while driving.
(Накопление или повторение ошибок)
die Häufung
the accumulation
Refers to a buildup of errors or issues.
die Heckscheibenheizung
the rear window defroster
A system used to clear condensation or frost from the rear window.
(Обогрев заднего стекла)