German Nouns Flashcards
Die Androide
Die Dünnheit
thinness, fineness, flimsiness, tenderness, gauntness, tenuity, tenuousness
Die Zeitschrift
magazine, periodical, journal
Die Zeitung
newspaper, magazine
Der Unsinn
nonsense, absurdism
Die Lage
layer (level), ply, position, situation, site
Die Halbinsel
Der Ausschuss
board, committee, reject, junk
Das Komitee
committee, panel, caucus
Der Vorstand
board of directors, managing committee, committee
Das Gremium
-s -Gremien
board, committee, caucus
Die Dritte
third (in a series), third party (law)
Die Daumenschraube
Der Finger
finger, digit (anatomy)
Die Grenze
limit, border, edge, frontier (international border), boundary, bounds (plural), confines (plural)
Die Indiskretion
Der Notfall
case of emergency, emergency
Das Schicksal
fate, fatefulness, destiny, fortune, lot, karma, kismet
Der Streit
wrangle, dispute, quarrel, conflict, polemic, contention, contestation, argument, fight, moot
Das Mofa
moped, motor-assisted / motorized bicycle
Das Luftkissenboot
Der Teil
part, piece, portion, tract, particle, partition, chapter
Der Termin
appointment, time limit, date (formal appointment)
Die Aufgabe
assignment (Employment), task, mission, chore, exercise, charge, problem (Mathematics), giving up, abandonment
Die Hausaufgabe
homework assignment, practice
Die Prüfung
testing, exam, examination, tryout, verification, inspection, scrutiny, test, trial, checkup, audit (Accountancy)