German Foreign Policy Under Hitler - Intentionalist and Functionalist Argument Flashcards
What is the intentionalist view?
Intentionalists believe Hitler and the Nazis drove if war broke out.
What is the Functionalist/Structuralist view?
Functionalist/Structuralists believe outside influences were as significant, if not more, than German Foreign Policy for the outbreak of WW2.
What do both views have in common?
Both believe Hitler INTENDED to go to war.
Both believe Hitler knew what he wanted, but took advantage of events.
Features of the intentionalist argument
Hitler had a masterplan from the beginning - outlined in Mein Kampf
It was to:
Either take over Eastern Europe
Or take over Europe first, then Middle East and the British Colonies, then the rest of the world.
Features of the Functionalist/Structuralist argument
Hitler followed the historical policy of expansionism - the gap between WW1 and WW2 was lull in the same 30 Years’ War
Events in the rest of the world and intentions and actions of other world leaders had a significant effect on if the world went to war or not
What were the other factors Functionalists/Structuralists argue?
Pressures inside the party.
Pressures from other social groups - example being Industrialists.
External factors - example being World Economy