GeriatricsBrainscape Flashcards
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
respiratory insufficiency marked by progressive hypoxemia due to severe inflammatory damage
Advance Directive
Legal document prepared when a person is alive, competent, and able to make informed decisions about health care. The document provides guidelines on treatment if the person is no longer capable of making decisions.
Discrimination against aged or elderly people
Alzheimer’s Disease
a progressive, degenerative disease that attacks the brain and results in impaired memory, thinking and behavior. It affects 4 million americans
Abnormal dilation of a blood vessel, usually an artery, due to congenital defect or a weakness in the wall of the vessel
Ankylosing spondylitis
A form of inflammatory arthritis that primarily affects the spine
Anorexia nervosa
Eating disorder marked by excessive fasting
Anoxic hypozemia
an oxygen deficiency due to disordered pulmonary mechanisms of oxygenation
Aortic Dissection
A denegration of the wall of the aorta
absence or impairment of the ability to communicate through speaking, writing, or signing as a result of brain dysfunction; occurs when the individual suffers a brain injury due to stroke or head injury and no longer has the ability to speak or read. In sensory aphasia, the patient cannot understand the spoken word. In motor aphasia the patient can understand what is said but cannot speak. A patient with global aphasia has both sensory and motor aphasia.
Assisted living
Housing for the elderly or disabled that provides nursing care, housekeeping, and prepared meals as needed.
Autonomic dysfunction
An abnormality of the involuntary aspect of the nervous system
Brain Ischemia
injury to the brain tissues caused by an inadequate supply of oxygen and nutrients
Medical condition in which the lens of the eye loses its clearness.
Having more than one disease at a time.
Congregate Care
Living arrangement in which the elderly live in, but do not own, individual apartments or rooms and receive select services.
An acute alteration in mental functioning that is often reversible
inability to swallow or difficulty swallowing
An exaggerated feeling of depression or unrest, characterized by a mood of general dissatisfaction, restlessness, discomfort, and unhappiness.
A person over the age of 65
Nose bleed
the formation of fiber like connective tissue also called scare tissue, in an organ
Functional Impairment
Decreased ability to meet daily needs on an independent basis
Geriatric Abuse
A syndrome in which an elderly person is physically or psychologically injured by another person