Geriatrics & Interview Challenges: LGBTQ Flashcards
Indications for geriatric assessment
Age — along with any of the following:
Chronic comorbid conditions, comorbid psychosocial illness (anxiety, depression, etc), cognitive changes, high health care utilization, change in living situation, risk of fall or functional status change, polypharmacy, change in health (i.e., weight loss)
What are some strategies for assessing the medications a geriatric pt is taking?
Have pt bring in all meds and supplements to their visit
Ask about ALL meds including Rx, OTC, vitamins, herbs, and supplements
Use Beer’s criteria or other clinical tools to reduce or avoid prescribing medications that may lead to adverse events
Close follow up after starting new meds
[meds to watch out for: opioids, benzodiazepines, antidepressants, hypnotics, antipsychotics, antihistamines, glaucoma agents, NSAIDs, muscle relaxants]
Most commonly used criteria for prescribing medications to geriatric pts
Beers criteria
What are the 3 categories of beer’s criteria?
Medications to always avoid for older pts
Medications that are potentially inappropriate for older pts with certain medical conditions
Medications used with caution
What are the STOPP and START criteria?
STOPP (Screening tool of older person’s prescriptions) — similar to Beers criteria but also includes drug-drug interactions and duplication of drugs within class
START (Screening tool to alert doctors to the right treatment) — consists of 22 evidence-based prescribing indicators in older persons
Methods for assessing functional ability of geriatric patients (ADLs)
Katz index of independence in activities of daily living
Lawton instrumental activities of daily living scale
Assessment strategies for fall risk
Tinetti Balance and Gait Evaluation
‘Get up and go’ test
Recommendations to reduce risk of falls
Exercise Physical therapy Assess home for fall-hazards Review meds Assess vision Perform neurologic exam
Vision conditions that increase in incidence with age
Glaucoma Cataracts Macular degeneration Vision clarity peripheral vision loss Neglect changes d/t CVA DM retinopathy Poor night vision
There is no specific recommendation for vision assessment, even through USPSTF. Periodic assessment with Snellen eye chart is usually done by primary care provider. What are 2 situations in which ophthalmologist referral is recommended?
Monitor diabetics pts for diabetic retinopathy
Pts at increased risk for glaucoma (family hx, etc.)
2 options for cognition screening that both address level of arousal, attention and concentration, memory, language, visuospatial perception, calculations, executive functioning, mood and thought content
Mini mental status exam
Montreal Cognition Assessment (MOCA)
[CN exam can also be done to assess neurologic function as well as vision screen]
Two-question method that screens for depression and next step if positive
“During the past month, have you been bothered by feeling down, depressed, or hopeless?”
“During the past month, have you been bothered by little interest or pleasure in doing things?”
— answering yes to either of the above prompts a more detailed questionnaire called PHQ-9
Which vaccines are recommended in geriatric patients (pts age 65+)?
Tetanus or TdAP
Influenza vaccine
Pneumococcal vaccine
Herpes zoster vaccine
Name the aspects that compose a complete geriatric pt assessment
Medications Functional ability Fall risks Vision Cognitive and mental health Vaccinations needed Social support
Office environment considerations that can put LGBTQ patients at ease with a healthcare facility
At least 1 unisex restroom
LGBT-specific media, including local or national magazines or newsletters about and for LGBT individuals
Visible non-discrimination statement stating that equal care will be providd to all pts regardless of age, race, ethnicity, physical ability and attributes, religion, sexual identity, and gender identity
Posters showing racially and ethnically diverse same-sex couples, or posters from non-profit HIV/AIDS or LGBT organizations
Brochures (multilingual when possible and appropriate) about LGBT health concerns
Language and behavior of providers that can put LGBTQ pts at ease
Perusing intake form and asking what their indicated gender identity/sexual orientation means to them (even if left blank)
Introduction - establish appropriate pronouns and use patient’s language
Rainbow pin on white coat
Self-disclosure if appropriate