Geriatrics and palliative care Flashcards
RACP 2022a 65.
A 78 yo male is having hallucinations of children walking past his window
outside. What is the most likely condition?
a. Fronto-Temporal Dementia
b. Alzheimer’s Disease
c. Lewy Body Dementia
d. Delirium
RACP 2022 75.Elderly lady had a fall. Na 124 with serum osmol 260 urine osmol 500.
Besides stopping sertraline recently increased mildly confused. How would
you manage?
a. Salt tablet
b. Fluid restrict 1L
c. IV NaCl
d. IV hypertonic saline
RACP 2022b 39. With natural ageing, you lose working memory, episodic memory and one other cognitive domain. What is the other cognitive domain?
A. Semantic memory
B. Procedural memory
C. Executive function
D. Attention
RACP 2021a Q23. A 74 year old female with metastatic breast cancer is on EOL care on a syringe driver. She is on morphine 80mg and midazolam 20mg CSCI Q24hrly. Her pain is well controlled, and she is noted to have frequent myoclonic
What is the next step in management?
A. Decrease morphine
B. Increase midazolam
C. Add baclofen
D. Add phenytoin
RACP 2021a Q82. An 85 year old female is admitted to hospital with a sacral ala fracture secondary to a fall. She is managed
conservatively with analgesia and is subsequently discharged home. Which of the following is the best predictor
of her requiring nursing home placement in the next 6 months?
A. Polypharmacy
B. Being home alone
C. Frailty
D. Age
RACP 2021 bQ104. In addition to grip strength, what is the most validated physical assessment method to detect frailty in an
older person?
A. Ability to walk up stairs
B. Berg balance test
C. Gait speed
D. Stride length
RACP 2021b Q135. An 84 year old woman with Alzheimer’s disease presents to ED with 1 day of significant restlessness and
agitation such that she cannot sit still for even a minute. She is not on any regular medications usually but was
started on haloperidol regularly after an episode of verbal aggression 2 days prior. Her physical examination and
investigations are normal. What is the likely diagnosis?
A. Acute psychosis
B. Akathisia
C. Restless legs syndrome
D. Urinary tract infection
RACP 2021b Q157. Which clinical feature developing early in the course of disease is suggestive of frontotemporal dementia
rather than Alzheimer’s dementia?
A. Disinbition and impulsivity
B. Memory loss
C. Frequent falls
D. Parkinsonism and visual hallucinations
RACP 2021o 12. How does PEG tube change affect weight and aspiration risk in end stage
A. weight gain present/ aspiration risk same
B. weight gain present / aspiration reduced
C. no change in weight / aspiration risk same
D. No change in weight/ aspiration risk reduced
RACP 2021o 30. What is the best way for an elderly person to gain weight?
a. High carbohydrate diet with aerobic exercise
b. High carbohydrate diet with resistance training
c. High protein diet with aerobic exercise
d. high protein diet with resistance training
RACP 2021o 76. Which antipsychotic medication has the highest risk of seizures among
the elderly?
a. Clozapine
b. Quetiapine
c. Risperidone
c. Olanzapine
RACP 2020a 67. Which of the following is the cardinal clinical feature of delirium?
A) Disturbance of attention and awareness
B) Short duration
C) Disorientation of time, place and person
D) Hallucination
RACP 2020 85. EMQ
- Please match cognitive domain with screening tool. Working memory
A) Repetition of sentence
B) Trail making
C) Months of the year backwards
D) Cube drawing
E) Naming three pictures
F) Design fluency
G) Digit span forward
H) Sentence writing
RACP 2020 86. EMQ
- Please match cognitive domain with screening tool. Visual attention and task switching
A) Repetition of sentence
B) Trail making
C) Months of the year backwards
D) Cube drawing
E) Naming three pictures
F) Design fluency
G) Digit span forward
H) Sentence writing
RACP 2020b 7. PTSD. What has evidence in preventing it?
A) Early CBT
B) Group debriefing session
C) Pharmacotherapy
D) Useless wrong one
RACP 2020 37. An 87-year-old man presents for an outpatient appointment for 4 months history of poor
appetite, eating only 1/4 of his meals and 5kg weight loss. He has a history of moderate-severe
dementia with MMSE 10/30 and his wife makes his meals for him. He is on nutritional
supplements. He weighs 55kg (BMI 19.5). What is the best management?
A) CT abdomen
B) Gastroscopy
C) Start olanzapine
D) Cease donepezil