Geriatrics Flashcards
What is the differential diagnosis for:
- worsening dyspnea on exertion
- fatigue
- dizziness
- palpitations
- conjunctival pallor
- guaiac positive stool
- Anemia secondary to GI bleeding
- Angina
- Congestive heart failure
- Atril fibrillation
What are the next diagnostic steps for a patient with anemia secondary to GI bleeding?
- CBC to evaluate anemia
- Cardiac enzymes
- Pt and PTT for coagulation abnormalities
What are the next steps in treatment for a patient with anemia secondary to GI bleeding?
- Blood transfusion if needed
- 2 sets of cardiac enzymes + ECG
- Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy due to postive guaiac
Fatigue in the context of conjunctival pallor should warrant what type of work up?
- Anemia work up
When assessing for anemia, what type of CBC work up should be done?
- CBC with peripheral smear
- Reticulocyte count
- Iron study
- Vitamin B12
- Folic acid levels
What is a big concern for routine aspirin/NSAID use?
- GI ulcer (bleeding)
What physical exam signs may point to a GI bleed/ulcer?
- LUQ and epigastric pain
* GI bleeds could also occur from coagulopathy or liver disease
What are signs of B12 deficiency anemia?
- Glossitis
- Decreased vibratory and positional senses
- Ataxia
- Paresthesia
- Confusion/dementia
- Pearly gray hair at an early age
How is folate deficiency different from B12 deficiency?
All symptoms are similar except NO neurological deficits
Iron deficiency anemia is associated with what nail abnormality?
- Koilonychia => spoon nails
What is the significance of jaundice in the context of anemia?
- Jaundice can be a clue that hemolysis is a contributing factor to the anemia
What is the significance of splenomegaly in the context of anemia?
-Splenomegaly can indicate that a thalassemia or neoplasm may be present
What is the most common cause of microcytic anemia (low MCV)?
- Iron deficiency anemia
What tests should be done to verify iron deficiency anemia?
- Serum iron ( should be low)
- Ferritin ( should be low)
- Total iron binding capacity (TIBC- should be high)
What are the common causes of iron deficiency anemia in the elderly?
- GI blood loss (or GI malignancy)
- Poor nutritional intake
- Bleeding disorder
What are the most common causes of macrocytic anemias?
B12 or folate deficiency