Geriatric Health Maintenance Lecture Powerpoint Flashcards
Physical activity recommendation in geriatrics
30 min moderate intensity 5 days a week aerobic or 20 min vigorous 3x per week, strength training, stretching up to 10 min on exercise days (less evidence supports), balance training
Tobacco use in geriatrics
Cessation significantly reduces risk of CAD, cancers, and COPD, within 5 years of cessation relative risk for all cause mortality falls below current smokers, should be promoted at every visit for current smokers regardless of age
Alcohol risk factors for elderly (3)
- falls
- depression
- poor cognition
USPSTF aspirin use policy
Discus benefits and harms in patients age 60-69, benefit more likely in those with 10 year cardiovascular risk of >10%, life expectancy of greater than 10 years, PPI reocmmended for all patients >50 y/o on chronic aspirin therapy
USPSTF tetanus diptheria (Td) and (Tdap) vaccine policy
Every 10 years continued at all ages as patients >60 account for majority of all tetanus cases
Tdap (includes pertussis) in all patients >65 who have not received it before, important if around young children
Influenza vaccine in geriatric patients
90% of flu deaths are >60 year olds, this reduces hospitalizations and mortality, flumist is not approved for >50 years old and fluzone is moderately more effective
Pneumococcal vaccine in geriatric patients
All adults aged >65 shoud receive 1 dose of PPSV23, those who have received > or =1 dose of that before 65 should receive 1 additional dose of PPSV23 at age >65 at least 5 years after previous dose, can supplement with PCV13 for those who do not have immunocompromised state but don’t have to, should in those with immunocompromising conditions at least once
Herpes zoster vaccine recommendations
All immunocompetent persons over 50 should get it regardless of varicella history, contraindicated in immunosuppressed state
Recombinant zoster vaccine (shingrix)
2 dose series with 90-97% efficacy and very efffective against post herpatic neuraltiga
Zoster vaccine live (zostavax)
1 dose series only 50% effective and not as protective against postherpetic neuralgia
Cancer screening for elderly need to be considered on an….
…individual basis
Oral cancer screening recommendations USPSTF
No official recommendations, concludes current evidence is insufficient to assess balance of benefits and harms of screening for oral cancer in asymptomatic adults, some studies show that screening is very simple and potentially capable of preventing many cancer deaths worldwide
JNC8 >60 year old blood pressure recommendations
No DM or CKD <150/90
CKD or DM <140/90
>70 yo and CKD insufficient evidence to support more aggressive goal
Dangers of aggressive blood pressure treatment in geriatric patients (4)
- orthostatic hypotension
- increased falls
- renal dysfunciton
- bradycardia
Lipid screening USPSTF and ASCVD guidelines
Screen men aged 35 and older adn women 45 and older if at increased risk for CAD, age to stop has not been established, ASCVD say assess every 4-6 years in patients 40-79
Statins ADR’s (5)
- myalgia
- fatigue
- liver toxicity
- new onset DM
- cognitive impairment
Diabetes screening USPSTF
-screen all individuals age 40-70 with BMI greater than 25, no recommendation over 70