GERD Flashcards
68 y/o male with 15 years history of burning retrosternal pain that is relieved by antacids, associated with nausea but not vomiting. The pain has been progressing in severity within the last 6 months, and now he has difficulty swallowing solid food. He has no appetite change nor weight loss and his vitals are within normal limits. What is the most appropriate diagnostic step for this patent?
A- upper endoscopy
B- ambulatory pH monitoring
C- empiric course of omeprazole
D- H. Pylori test
What is the shape of H. Pylori under the miscoscope?
A. Spiral shaped.
B. Rod shaped.
C. Spherical shaped.
Which of the following tests is used to assess the contractility of the esophagus and tone of the lower esophageal sphincter?
A. Esophageal manometry.
B. Esophageal pH monitroing.
C. Esophageal barium swallow.
Patient with Barrett esophagus, what’s the risk factors of barrett esophagus?
A. Alcohol.
B. Central obesity.
C. Long term aspirin use.
D. Gastric ulcer.
What is the most effective treatment of GERD?
A. PPI and stool softener drug.
B. H2 blocker and PPI.
C. Anti-cholinergic drug and H2 blockers.
D. PPI and prokinetic drug.
What is true about GERD?
A. Obesity related.
B. Diagnosed through endoscopy.
A 58-year-old man presents to your clinic with dysphagia for solid food for the past three months. He also complains of weight loss and loss of appetite. There is no other past medical history apart from symptoms of indigestion and heartburn for the past 5 years. He regularly takes antiacids. He is a heavy smoker and a social drinker. He undergoes endoscopy which reveals a small tumor at the lower end of the esophagus. What is the most likely etiological cause of the tumor?
A. Alcohol.
B. Esophageal pouch.
C. H. Pylori.
D. Barrett’s esophagus.
In a patient with long standing GERD who starts complaining of intermittent dysphagia for solid foods and weight loss. The most appropriate test would be?
A. Manometry.
B. Endoscopy.
C. Barium meal.
D. Ph monitoring.
What is the most common cause of esophageal cancer?
Small cell carcinoma.
Which of the following is not a characteristic of GERD?
A. Increase by bending over.
B. Increase by fat ingestion.
What is the most likely cause of dysphagia in a pregnant woman?
Hital hernia.
Esophageal cancer in the lower 1/3rd is ————-.
Esophageal cancer in the upper 2/3rds is ————.
Lower 1/3rd > adenocarcinoma.
Upper 2/3rds > squamous cell carcinoma.
Which of the following doesn’t cause fever?
C. PE.
D. Vasculitis.