Gerand and infinitive Flashcards
I used to
I accustomed to
I look forward to
going home
Joe quit
Joe give up
if you wouldn’t mind
postpone (put off)
keep (keep on)
we had fun
playing volleyball
had a good time
playing volleyball
I had trouble
finding his house
I had difficulty
finding his hose
Sam spend most of his time
i waste a lot of time
she sat at her desk
writing —–sit (place)
I stood there
he is lying in bed
i found Gorge
I caught a thief
looking to my drawer
i hope
to see you again
he promised
to be there
I plan
to develop
we decided
to go
he agree
to contact
my sister offer me
to join her team
i refuse
to take
it seems
to start raining
it appears
to be human
they pretended
to cry
student ask
his teacher to do homwork
Ali expects us
to write
I cant afford
to buy it
i will arrange
to meet you
i cant bear
to wait
he begged
to come
it begin
to rain
i don’t care
to see
she claims
to know
she finally consented
to marry him
he continue
to speak
i have decided
to leave
i demanded
to know
she deserve
to win
i expect
to enter
she failed
to return
i forgot
to mail
i hate
to make silly mistake
dont hesitate
to ask
jack hope
to arrive
he intends
to be a firefighter
he learned
to play
i like
to go
i love
to go
she managed
to finish her work
i didnt mean
to heart your feeling
i need
to have
they offered
to help us
i am planning
to have a party
Ann prefer
to walk to work
we prepare
to welcome them
he pretend
not to understand
i promise
not to be late
i refuse
to believe his story
i regret
to tell you that you failed
i remembered
to lock the door
the cat seem
to be friendly
i cant stand
to wait in long lines
it started
to rain
i struggled
to stay awake
she swore
to tell the truth
he tends
to talk to much
she threatened
to tell my parents
i am trying
to learn English
he volunteered
to help us
i will wait
to hear from you
i want
to tell you something
she wishes
to come with us
she advise me
to wait until tomorrow
she allow
me to use
i asked
john to help us
they begged
us to come
her laziness caused
her to fial
she challenged
me to race
i couldn’t convince
him to accept
he dare
to do better
he encourage
me to try
i expect
you to be on time
i forbid
you to tell him
they forced
him to tell
she hired
a boy to mow the lawn
he instruct
them to be careful
i warn
you not to drive too fast
i want
you to be happy
i urged
her to apply
the doctor told
me to take
my brother taught
me to swim
our teacher requires
us to be on time
she remind
me to lock
i persuaded
him to come
he permitted
the children to stay up late
the judge ordered
me to pay
we need
you to help us
i anticipated
having a good time on vacation
i appreciated
hearing from them
he avoided
answering my question
i cant bear
waiting in long line
it began
i finally completed
writing my paper
i will consider
going with you
he continued
he delayed
leaving for school
she denied
committing the crime
they discussed
opening the new business
i dislike
driving long distances
we enjoy
she finish
i will never forgot
visiting my mother
i hate
making silly mistakes
i can’t help
worrying about it
i keep
hoping he will come
i like
going to movies
i love
going to operas
she mentioned
going to a movie
would you mind
helping me
i miss
being with my family
lets postpone
leaving until tomorrow
the athlete practiced
throwing the ball
Ann prefer
walking to driving to work
He quit
trying to solve the problem
i dont recall
meeting him before
i dont recollect
meeting him before
she recommended
seeing the show
i regret
telling him my secret
i can remember
meeting him when i was a child
i resent
her interfering in my business
i couldnt resist
eating the dessert
she risk
losing all of her money
i cant stand
waiting in the long line
it started
she stopped
going to classes
she suggested
going to a movie
she wont tolerate
i tired
changing the light bulb
i dont understand
his leaving