Georgia Traffic Initiatives Flashcards
Driver - Every person who drives or is in _________ _________ control of a vehicle.
actual physical
Motor Vehicle - Every vehicle that is __________ _________ other than an electric personal assistive mobility device (EPAMD)
self propelled
40-6-181 Maximum speed limits: _______ mph in any urban or residential district
40-6-181 Maximum speed limits: _______ mph on unpaved county roads unless designated otherwise
40-6-181 Maximum speed limits: _______ mph on interstate and physically divided highways outside an urbanized area of
50,000 or more in population
40-6-181 Maximum speed limits: _______ mph on interstate highways inside an urbanized area of 50,000 or more in
40-6-181 Maximum speed limits: _______ mph on physically divided highways
40-6-181 Maximum speed limits: _______ mph in other locations
40-6-241.1 (Cellphones) Stand-alone electronic devices other than a wireless telecommunications device which ________ audio or _______ data files to be retrieved on demand by a user.
stores, video
A driver shall exercise due care in operating a motor vehicle on the highways of this state and shall not engage in any actions which shall ______ such ______ from the safe operation of such vehicle.
distract, driver
Wireless telecommunications device are:
a. cellular telephone
b. portable telephone
c. text messaging device
d. personal digital assistant (PDA)
e. stand alone computer
f. global positioning system receiver (GPS)
Not included in telecommunications devices:
a. radio
b. citizen band (CB) radio
c. hybrid citizen band (CB) radio
d. commercial two-way radio communication device
e. subscription based emergency communication device
f. prescribed medical device
g. amateur or ham radio device
h. in-vehicle security navigation or remote diagnostic device
No vehicle, unloaded or with a load, shall exceed a height of ______ feet _____ inches
13, 6
No vehicle transporting motor vehicles, unloaded or loaded, shall exceed a height of _____ feet
No vehicle shall exceed a total outside width, including any load thereon, of _______ inches