Georgia Okeefe Flashcards
This monstrous being from Norse mythology also refers to someone who posts offensive comments
Not known to use her last name of sarkisian this iconic singer had had # 1 hits in 6 decades
This green colored magnesium rich mineral is named for its resemblance to a snakes skin
Phonograph records were patented in 1857 by him ;120 years later a pair of records made of this material were launched into space, an act of inter stellar hopefulness that saigain compares to launching a bottle into a cosmic ocean
Leon Scott
Made of gold
With a troposphere that translates smoothly into its liquid interior this planet has the densest atmosphere ; inhospitable clouds are arranged in bands at different latitudes and conflicting circulation patterns cause turbulence and storms
Including one famous anti cyclonic storm
In the novel the sign of the four who is assisted by this dog
Sherlock homes assisted by tony
This matel game requires the skillful removal of sticks from a tube to prevent marbles from dropping
Cereal character with the slogan theeeerrrreee great
Tony the Tiger
A major seaport and formerly a world capital this city has a name from
Arabic for house of peace
Dar es salaam
Suh lam
Previous capital of Tanzania
Before it lived to Dodoma
CES award was withdrawn from this company in 18 for conflicting reasons immoral or don’t fit into an approved category
Bonus what type of products
Lore uh duh car low
Makes female sex toys
Longest continually running lab experiment in the world
Begun in Brisbane in this state
Demonstrated that substances which appear solid are in fact highly viscous fluids
2 word informal name
Pitch drop experiment
Banned books
1963 childrens literwute
Too dark because of protagonists inability to control his emotions
Where the wild things are
Max sendack
Banned books
Non fiction
Curiosity about the female body and homosexual tendencies
Diary of Ann frank
Banned books
93 young adult fiction
Depictions of infanticide and sexual awakening
The giver
Lois Lowry
Banned books
48 short story
In apartheid South Africa because did not say nice things about blindly following tradition
The lottery
Shirley Jackson
Banned books
57 novel
Published in Italy because refused publication by USSR
Romanticized pre revolution upper class and degraded peasants and workers
Dr zhivago
Banned books
2011 fan fiction
Intense sexual situations and fears impressionable teens may try it
50 shades of grey
Fan fiction of twilight
Banned books
411 BCE play
Considered obscene in AD 66 and banned in 1873 due to offensive themes about the power of women
Liz Estrada
Banned books
1903 Russian propaganda
Anti semetic, literary hoax
Hitler and modern nazi are fans
The protocols of the elders of Zion
Banned books
1852 novel
Defenders of slavery took exception to its depiction of slavery and claimed it was inaccurate
Uncle Toma cabin
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Ermas injection is the name of a dream by this neurologist and pioneer f dream analysis ; despite what you may think the dream had nothing to do with what is or is not a cigar
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar
Banned books
87 puzzle book
If you look very closely at the edge of the page you’ll see a tiny dot that wqs supposed to be a nipple
Where’s Waldo
The phrase I know it when I see it wqs written about a 64 Supreme Court case about the definition of obscenity
Who was the chief justice of Supreme Court (53-69) - he was previously governor of California and name also at synonymous with major leaps in civil rights and liberties in civil law
Earl warren
Lester bangs is named checked in thr song there’s nothing wrong with hating rock critics by this indie pop band which somewhat deceptively is based in Athens Georgia
Of Montreal
This California based ice cream company has a heavenly hook that a pint contains 240-360 calories
Halo top
This American author published a short story called the jelly bean in 1920 5 years before his most famous work
F Scott Fitzgerald
Name the sports conference
Ohio state
Big ten
Name the sports conference
Boise state
Fresno state
Western athletic conference
Name the sports conference
Big 12
Projectiles trajectory is subject to these 3 forces
Drag - heavily dependent on nose shape