Georgia Civil Procedure Flashcards
Under GA law, what are the three basis for PJ?
Personal Jurisdiction
- Consent (express or implied)
- Presence (Actual, Domicile, Corporations)
- Long Arm Statute (LIMIT)
How does one impliedly consent to PJ?
Personal Jurisdiction
Failing to object to the excercise of PJ in the first response tothe complaint within 30 days of service of process.
What are the 3 forms of presence which grant PJ?
Personal Jurisdiction
- Actual: Presence in the state when served with process
- Domicile: A natural person domiciled in GA, must be true home, with intent to return to GA.
- Corporations: an entity incorporated in GA
What is covered by the GA long arm statute?
Personal Jurisdiction
- ** Land:** Defendant owns, uses, possesses land in GA related to the lawsuit
- Injury: injury results from the defendant committing a tort in GA or an injury results in GA from defendant’s tort committed outside GA if defendant also does regular business in GA
- Matrimony: An action for child support, alimony, or divorce (SAD) against D who is domiciled in GA before action is filed
- Insurance: D enters **a contract for risk located in GA ** from which the lawsuit derives
- Transaction of Business: A contract negotiated, made, or to be perfromed in GA from which the lawsuit derives.
What is the non-resident motorist act?
Personal Jurisdiction
The nonresident motorist act provides jurisdiction over nonresidents who operate a motor vehicle in GA, but only for claims arising from their ownership or operation of the vehicle. The D must have been a nonresident at the time of the accident
What is the time frame for effective service?
Notice to the Defendant
An instate process server must serve the summons and complaint within 5 days of receipt.
If req. is not met, P will have to show due dillegence to effect service within a reasonable time.
What are the basic methods of proper service in GA?
Notice to the Defendant
- Abode: on the d’s last and usual abode witha person residing therein of suitable age (13+) and discretion
- Waiver: mails complaint w/ request that D waive formal service. D has a duty to avoid cost and recieves 60 days from date request sent to respond
- Agent Service: Personal service/waiver on registered, managing, or any responsible agent (pres, officer, secretary, partner)
- Secretary of State: If no agent can be found, service of 2 copies to sec. of state. 1 to be mailed to corps last known address
- Personal Service: In hand delivery
What is necessary to sue the state?
Notice to the Defendant
An ante litem notice. Made within 12 months of the date of the loss was or should have been discovered.
What is the general venue rule in GA?
Venue and Related Issues
The general venue rule is venue is proper in a county where any D reside when the case is filed
What are the exceptions to the general venue rule?
Venue and Related Issues
- Motorists who are non-residents: venue is prop where any GA D resides, if no GA d, then where P resides
- Alimony or Divorce: Where P resides if the D does not reside in GA
- Specific jurisidction under long arm: where any d resides or where the claim arose if no d resides in GA
- Tortfeasors: where any D resides or where a substantial part of injury occured if the D is a GA corp.
- Entities and Estates: Entities reside where its registered office is, and where claims against them arose. For estates, where the executor resides if D is dead.
- Real Property: only where land is located
What are the content requirements for pleadings in GA?
Short and plain statement of jurisdiction, claims , and relief with suff. info to place adverse party on notice of the claims and defenses. But the complaint must contain factual allegations of venue
What is a verified complaint?
A verified complaint is sworn by someone with personal knowledge of the facts alleged. Complaint need to be verified for petitions for divorce and extraordinary equitable relief
What must be included in a professional malpractice pleading?
P must include an affadavit of an exper, setting forth specifically at least one negligent act or ommission claimed to exist and the factual basis forit
Blank, Blank, and Blank will waived unless they are filed in the first responsive pleading with Blank days of service of process.
Lack of Pj, Improper Service, Challenging Venue. 30 days
What is the SOL on personal injury claims?
2 years from when the discovery to file
What is the Statute of Repose? When does it start running?
A statute of repose is an absolute time limit on filing claims that runs from the occurence, not the discovery
What is the SOL for damage to reputation?
1 year
What is the SOL for Actions for foreign object left in patients body?
1 year from date of disocvery of the negligent or wrongful action or ommission
What is the SOL for Med Mal
2 years from date of injury and subject to a 5 year statute of repose
What is the SOL for property damage?
4 years
What is the SOL for tresspass to realty?
4 years
What is the SOL for oral or implied contracts?
4 years
What is the SOL for Contracts for the sale of goods
4 years
What is the SOL for written contracts?
4 years from when they become due and payable
What is the SOL for Actions for deficiency of survey, plat, plan, design specifcation, supervision, or observation of construction?
8 years and subject to a 10 yr statute of repose
What is the SOL for most product liablity actions?
10 years from date of first use or consumption of product
What is the SOL for written contracts under seal?
20 years
What is required for class action Certification under GA law?
- Commonality: common issue of fact or law
- Adequacy: named p will fairly and adequately protect the class
- Numerosity: class must be so numerous that joinder is impracticable (40+)
- Typicality: Claims of the name ps must be typical of the class
Additonal Reqs when class action seeks money:
Predominace (common issues must predominate) & Superiority (class action device must be superior to other forms of lit.)
In GA, a party must make automatic prompt disclosures. T or F ?
False. There are no automatic prompt disclosure in Ga state court
Can request for production be served on a non party without a subpoena?
When are responses to discovery due? What about for medical records?
Responses are due in** 30 days** and within 20 days for medical records.
What is the limit for interrogatories?
There **50 interrogatories **to a party as opposed to 25 in federal court
What is the limit on the number of depositions?
No limit