George, Washington Actual City Flashcards
Universal blood recipient’s designation :
In general, a person with type O-negative blood is a universal donor, meaning that his or her blood can be used for transfusion into persons with any other blood type: A, B, AB or O, negative or positive (although there are other considerations). Also in general, a person with type AB-positive blood is a universal recipient, meaning that he or she can receive a transfusion of blood of any type: A, B, AB or O, negative or positive.
A clock keeping this time Latin for starry gains 3 mins 56 seconds a day over a standard clock
Sigh deer e ul
Cathy queen of cats is a character in The house on mango street by her
Sandra Sis ner os
Dushanbe dew shan b capital of this lanlocked country
Also former name until 61
Tuj jheek uh stan
Stal in uh bhad
Called ciudad Trujillo from 36 to 61 in honor of its dictator this city returned to its old name following his assassination
Santo Domingo of Dominican Republic
Former name of Kinshasa Kin sha suh reflects its nations history as a colony of the Belgian monarchy
Leopold ville
The escapists comic series features an amazing superhero conjured up in this novel by Michael chabon
Shay bon
The amazing adventures of cavalier and clay
Sci-fi story burning chrome and novel neuromancer had some of first uses of term cyberspace
Sitcom episode titles
Will gets a job
The Philadelphia story
Fresh prince of bel air
Much of what we know about the constitutional convention is from this future presidents copious notes of the debates
This states plan where all states would have equal representation regardless of size wqs proposed by William Patterson
New Jersey
Named for him
Sitcom episode titles
The two mrs Sheffields
Where’s Fran
The nanny
Sacred cube shaped building in Mecca
The clock tower in this city’s piazza San Marco wqs once used to spot incoming ships
Under thr moore this European capital was called olissibona
O lis uh Bone uh
Luxor treasure island belagio are examples of
Las Vegas casinos
Add m to the end of this tree to get another tree
Balsa becomes balsam
James addiction singer Perry Farrell got thr name for this Chicago music festival from thr 3 stooges
Loll uh po looze uh
This word meaning to dawdle is almost as fun to say as dilly dally and shilly shally 2 of its other synonyms
In 1955 a UK Sunday express editor declared this novel by Vladimir Nabokov thr filfthiest book i have ever read
Nuh bo kov
Low lita
This 98 German crowd pleaser is 80 minutes long; for most of that time frank potente is out of breath
Po ten tuh
Run lola run
Who came first ?
Alexander the Great
Attila the Hun
Genghis khan
Alexander the Great
Meaning to fall off in Latin it’s the word used to describe non evergreen trees and baby teeth
58 chordettes hit features the line sweeter then candy on a stick
Core dets
Lollipop lollipop
Kurt and this funny lady were already a couple when they starred in 87 amnesia comedy overboard
Goldie hawn
A sudden reintroduction of oxygen to an enclosed fire can cause this also the title of a Kurt Russell film
Rumor has it that Kurt Russell wqs secretky directing the 93 western tombstone while portraying this legendary lawman
Wyatt Earp
Kurt Russell Santa is the gift that keeps on giving !
He even speaks a fake language called elvish in this holiday romp
The Christmas chronicles
Kurt Russell has said that his most iconic character is snake plissken the antihero of this film set in a dystopian big apple
Escape from New York
Mount Rushmore of US gymnasts including this gold medalist who became everyone’s sweetheart in 84
Simone biles
Gabby Douglas
Kerri strug
Mary Lou retton - gold medalist who became everyone’s sweetheart in 84
Mount Rushmore of celebrity chefs including n’awlins legend known for his bam catchphrase
Wolfgang puck
Julia child
Anthony bourdain
Emeril luh gah c - n’awlins legend known for his bam catchphrase
French horn name is horn and modern version born not in France but in this European country
It’s the P in automotive acronym PRNDL
In ice age the acorn obsessed scrat is a fictional
Saber toothed squirrel
Mount Rushmore of art masterpieces including the work of a goddess standing in a scallop shell
Mona Lisa
The last super
The starry night
The birth of venus - goddess standing in a scallop shell