Geometry Terms Flashcards
What is a Point?
Definition: That which has no part.
What is a line?
Definition: A line is a widthless length.
What is a plane?
Definition: Just width and Length.
What is a line segment?
Definition: Part of a line with two endpoints.
What is a ray.
Definition: A portion of a line with one endpoint that extends forever in the other direction.
What is an angle?
Definition: Formed by two rays with a common endpoint.
What is a vertex?
Definition: Common endpoint in an angle.
What is a Right angle?
Definition: An angle equal to 90º.
What is an acute angle?
Definition: An angle less than 90º.
What is an obtuse angle?
Definition: An angle greater that 90º
What is a strait angle?
Definition: An angle equal to 180º
What is a complementary angle?
Definition: Two angles whose sum is 90º
What is a supplementary angle?
Definition: Two angles whose sum is 180º
What does congruent mean?
Definition: 2 equal shapes (line segments and angles)
What are perpendicular lines?
Definition: Two lines or rays that meet at right angles.
What are parallel lines?
Definition: Coplanar lines that never meet.
What are skew lines?
Definition: Two non-coplanar lines that do not intersect.
What are adjacent angles?
Definition: Two angles that are next to each other. The have a common angle and a common side but no common interior points.
What are vertical angles?
Definition: Opposite angles formed by two intersecting lines.
What is a transversal line?
Definition: A line that intersects parallel lines.
What are corresponding angles?
Definition: Angles that are formed by the same transversal lines.
What is a polygon?
Definition: Many-sided closed planar figure.
What is a regular polygon?
Definition: All side lengths and angles are congruent.
What is a triangle?
Definition: 3-sided polygon.
What is a quadrilateral?
Definition: 4-sided polygon.