Geometry Epiphany Flashcards
Mobius transformation map is a bijection of the
Riemann sphere onto itself
Mobius transformation form a group with respect to compoistion isomorphic to
invertible matrices up to scalar multiplication , det is not 0
Mob transformation is generated by
z-> az, z -> z + 1, z -> 1/z
Mobius transformations act on C U infinity
A mobius transformation is uniquely determined by the images of
3 points
Mobius transformation takes lines and circles to
lines and circles
Mobius transformations preserve
angles between curves
fixed points of mobius transformation is a quadratic equation with respect to z and has
exactly 2 complex roots
A mobius transformations with a unique fixed point is called
Every parabolic mobius transformations is conjugate in the group Mob to
z -> z + 1
Every non- parabolic mobius transformation is conjugate in Mob to
z -> az, a is a complex number not 0
A non - parabolic Mob transformations is elliptic if
|a| = 1
A non - parabolic Mob transformations is hyperbolic if
|a| is not 1 and a is real
A non - parabolic Mob transformations is ioxodromic of
|a| is not 1 and a is not real
Parabolic elements when fixed point is infinite is a
translation of all points by same vecotr. When Mob trans is applied iterations of trans move points along circles through the fixed point
Elliptic elements rotate points
around 2 equally good fixed points
hyperbolic and ioxodromic have
one attractive fixpoint and one repelling
Inversion with respect to circle takes a point A to
a point A’ lying on the ray OA such that |OA| . |OA’| = r^2
Inversion^2 =
inversion in circle preserves
circle pointwise
if P’ = I_gamma(P) and Q’ = I(Q’) than triangle OPQ is
similar to triangle OQ’P’
lines through origin are mapped to
lines through origin
lines not through origin are mapped to
circles through origin and vice versa
circles not through origin are mapped to
circles not through origin
Inversion preserves
angles between curves and cross-ratio of four points
Inversion can be thought of as ‘reflection with respect to a
every inversion is conjugate to a
reflection by another inversion
Every Mobius transformation is a composition of an
even number of inversions and reflections
Inversion and reflection change
orientation of the plane
Since mobius transformation are even number of inversion and reflection they preserve
mobius transformations preserve
cross- ratios
Mobius transformation is determined by images of
3 points