Geometry: 2D Flashcards
What is the equation for compound interest?
What is the equation for total angles in a polygon?
What is the relationships between all sides of a triangle? (Think 2 sides compared to the other remaining side)
One side can not be longer than the combination of the other two
For a 45, 45, 90 triangle, what is the relationship between sides?
For a 30, 60, 90 triangle what is the relationship between sides?
What value is the ratio of circumference “C” to the diameter “d”?
In terms of radius, circumference =?
What is the equation to find length of arc?
length of arc / circumference = degree measure of arc / 360
Area of a circle?
Area of a sector (think slice of pizza!)?
area of sector / area of circle = angle of sector / 360
If one side of an inscribed triangle is the diameter what type of triangle is it, and which angle is the the angle of note?
Right triangle and 90 degrees is across from diameter
What is arc?
section of circumference
What is a chord?
Line that goes through a circle (could be diameter!)
What is the area of an equilateral triangle?`
sqrt(3)/4 * side length^2