Geography Transport WA3 Prep Flashcards
What are nodes?
A place where lines and networks cross or join (Junction/Terminal)
What are routes?
The connection between two nodes
What are transport network?
A system of transport routes connecting a set of modes
What are the factors for assessing the quality of transport indicators?
Coverage, Capacity, Frequency, Convenience, Reliability, Environmental Sustainability
What is accessibility?
The ease of reaching destinations or activities
What are the impacts of transport systems?
Connectedness, Changing physical environment, Traffic congestion, Health Risk, Safety Risks, Increased mobility for elderly and persons with disabilities
What happens when transport systems are in place?
People, goods and services, cultures are no longer static, but able to transcend across geographical boundaries. This makes them more accessible. Locations are better connected to one another and it almost feels that the world has ‘shrunk.’
What is an example of connectedness?
International Trade
What are the indicators of quality of transport indicators?
What are the good things about connectedness?
- People are more mobile, helps to strengthen and maintain social relationships
- Goods and services are more accessible and available worldwide
- There is more interaction with foreign cultures
- More diversity and variety
What are the different categories of impacts of transport systems
Social, Economic, Environmental, and Political
What causes changing of physical environment?
Development of transport systems requires physical space, results in a change in the physical environment, impacts all who are dependent on the environment! (stakeholders, diff groups of people such as residents, government, commuters, environmental activitsts, etc)
What are the good vocabs to use when answering a question in relations to pattern?
Nucleated, dispersed and linear
What are some types of transport infrastructure?
road, railways, walkways, bridges, bicycle lanes, signages, information system that show real-time transport information, ticketing systems to pay for trips
Where are major transport nodes usually found in?
Areas with high concentration of activities that offer high levels of local accessibility
Why are interchanges important?
They are important points of transfer within or between transportation networks of different nodes to ensure continuity of traffic flow.
What is a terminal?
A terminal is a facility where passengers and freight either originate or terminate in the transportation process.
Define mobility.
Mobility is the ability of people and freight to move from place to place
What is the “silver zone”?
The silver zone are areas within residential neighbourhoods in Singapore with enhanced and customised road safety features for the elderly. There are 3 key considerations to determine the location of the silver zone - high proportion of senior residents, high accident rate involving senior pedestrains and close proximity to amenities frequented by seniors.
How does traffic congestion occur?
Traffic congestion occurs when road usage approaches or exceeds road capactiy.
What are the effects of traffic congestion?
Longer travelling times for all road users
Can affect physical and emotional well-being of those caught in traffic.
Long travelling times may tire out both drivers and passengers. Drivers may become frustrated and display aggressive behaviour or lose concentration, increasing the risk of traffic accidents