Geography terms chapter 4 Flashcards
Final products
Products that are done and ready to be sold.
Regional inequality
Big differences in development rate within one country.
Trade balance
Overview of the value of goods that are imported and exported.
Labour force
All people who work for payment plus the unemployed.
Labour intensive
A lot of people work on 1 product, few machines are used.
Location factor
A reason for a factory to establish themselves somewhere.
Low-wage countries
Countries in the semi-periphery where the wages are lower than in the core countries. They are an attractive location for labour-intensive companies.
Process in which regions in the world are connected to each other more and more.
Poverty line
Indicates the minimum requirements per day, the so called basic necessities: food, healthcare, a roof above your head and clothing. The poverty line in a rich country is higher than in a poor country.
The region that depens on a port for the import and export of goods.
Distribution country
A country that plays a major role in the distrubution of goods to the hinterland.
Group of poor countries that still have a strong agricultural focus.
Countries that are developing fast.
All facilities required to transport people, goods or information.
Developing countries
Not part a wealthy or industrialized country.
Raw materials
Unprocessed goods
Core countries
Most developed countries.
The wealth of a country measured by the living condition such as: health, education and food. Also called prosperity.
Semi-finished products
Processed resources (between resource and end products).
Main port
Port or airport with an important role in international transport.
Multinational corporation
Large comapany that has factories and offices in multiple countries.