Geography Term 4 Flashcards
What is a mineral?
A mineral is a substance formed in the earth.
Are minerals renewable or non-renewable? Give a reason for your answer.
Non-renewable, because once they are used up, we cannot get anymore.
Gold has a number of uses: It is used to make \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. It is used in \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. It is used in \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. It is something people can buy which keeps its \_\_\_\_\_\_.
What is silver used for? Name 4 things.
It is used:
To make jewellery
In computers & cell phones
For fillings in teeth
Platinum is used to make ________. It is also used in cars to change __________ ________ gases into gases that aren’t poisonous. It is used to make _________ to treat cancer.
Poisonous exhaust
What are diamonds made of?
Where are diamonds formed?
In volcanoes.
Explain how diamonds are formed.
In the volcanoes the bits of carbon are made very hot. They are also placed under a huge amount of pressure. This changes the little bits of carbon into diamonds.
Diamonds have 2 main uses:
Gemstone diamonds - are used in ________. The 2nd largest diamond in the world was found in South Africa. It was found at the ________ Mine at ________ outside ________.
Industrial diamonds - diamonds are so _____ that they are used in tools that _____ and _______. Only a diamond can _______ another diamond.
What is the definition of ore?
The rocks or soil in which a mineral is found.
____ ore has iron in it.
What is the main use of iron ore?
To make steel. Steel is iron with a small amount of carbon added to to it.
Chrome is used to cover metal with a ______ ________. This is called chrome _______.
Silver surface
Chrome is mixed with _____ to form __________ steel. Stainless steel has a silvery look. It is very ______ and cannot _____ like ordinary steel. One of its uses is to make ______.
Iron Stainless Strong Rust Knives
Copper is a very useful metal. (Yes/No)
Does electricity travel easily through copper?
Manganese is mixed with steel to make it ________ & to stop it from ________. It is mixed with aluminium to form a metal that is not damaged by such things as the _____ and ____. It’s used to make _____ ____________ petrol.
Stronger Rusting Rain Sun Lead replacement
How is coal formed?
Coal = not a mineral, because it was formed out of living matter. Millions of years ago the places in SA where coal is found were hot & swampy. Lots of plants grew in the swamps. When these plants died the formed layers of plant material. Over the years more & more layers were laid on top of one another. After a very long time, these layers turned into coal.
What is mining?
Mining is what we do to get minerals and coal out of the ground.
What is an open pit mine?
An open pit mine consists of one big hole in the ground. The miners dig straight down to mine minerals close to the surface. An example of an open pit mine is the Kimberley Mine in the Northern Cape.
What is a shaft?
A passage or tunnel dug downwards into the ground.
The cage at ____ _____ Mine travels at ___ km\h.
Tau Tona
Most of SA’s mines are _______________ mines. ______ are sunk close to the ore which is going to mined. The workers are taken down the mine in a _____ called a _____. The ore that has been mined is brought up to the surface in buckets called ______.
Underground Shafts Lift Cage Skips
What is the definition of stopes?
Areas where gold is being mined.
How do you learn how an underground gold mine works?
You go study page 167 & 168 in your textbook.
Mining cause water pollution, because __________ & _________ pollute the water. Gold mines use ___________ _________ which is pumped into dams and can sometimes get into rivers & streams. ______ causes lots of pollution to underground water. _____ ______ drainage is an example of water pollution.
Chemicals Minerals Poisonous cyanide Coal Acid mine
_____ is the main cause of air pollution from mining. ______ mining ________ a poisonous gas called ________. Coal is ______ to generate electricity and this causes air pollution.
Mines _____ up ______ areas of ______, which destroys the habitat. Plants cannot _____ in poisoned soil.
Mines struggle to get ____ of waste products.
How is gold extracted from rock?
Step 1: The rock is crushed into a fine sand.
Step 2: Water is added to form mud.
Step 3: Sodium cyanide added to the mud. This turns the gold into a liquid.
Step 4: The mud is put through a filter that separates the gold from the sand. The sand then has no gold in it.
Step 5: Zinc is added to the water. The gold turns back into a solid. Mixture is put through a filter to remove the water.
Step 6: Sulphuric acid is added to dissolve the zinc. Mixture is heated for 24 hours at 800 Celsius. This removes unwanted substances.
Step 7: Gold is heated to 1200 Celsius and poured into moulds. This is called smelting.
Name 4 challenges of working in a deep gold mine.
Ventilation, heat, rock falls & dust.
What illness is caused by inhaling too much dust? A. Brain cancer B. Dust C. Silicosis D. None
Name 6 health & safety risks for miners.
Heat, rock falls, flooding, accidents, dust and getting lost underground.
Rules to protect miners’ health & safety:
Miners must be ________ before they are allowed to go underground.
Miners must wear their _________ at all times.
Miners must not light _________ or _________, because of the gases in the mine that can burn.
No _________ can take place until all the miners are out of the level where it is taking place.
Miners may only work in _______ after they have been checked for safety.
Everything possible must be done to reduce the level of ______ the stopes.
There are a number of rules to prevent underground ___________.
Trained Helmets Matches Lighters Blasting Stopes Dust Explosions