Geography Key Defintions - RIVERS Flashcards
The wearing away & removal of material
Hydraulic Action
The sheer force of the water hitting the river bed & banks
When the load carried by the river repeatedly hits the bed, dislodging particles into the flow of the river
When stones in the river knock against each other, becoming smaller and more rounded
Solution (Erosion)
When the river flows over chalk or limestone, slowly eroding it
Vertical Erosion
When the river erodes downwards
Lateral Erosion
When the river erodes sideways
Large particles rolled on the river bed
Bouncing of particle too heavy to be suspended
Small sediment held in the river
Solution (Transportation)
Dissolved load
Long profile
The gradient of a river from its source to the mouth
Cross profile
The side cross section of a river or valley
Movement of eroded material
Material carried is dropped due to loss in energy
Interlocking Spurs
Where mountain streams weave their way through the v shaped valley
A step in the long profile, causes when the river flows over resistant rock
A narrow steep sided valley formed when a river retreats upstream
A wide bend in a river
Ox-bow lake
An arc shaped lake on a floodplain caused by a cut off meander
Raised bank on either bank of a river, caused by regular flooding or man made
Relatively flat area formed around a river channel that sometimes floods
Tidal mouth of where the river meets the seaβwide banks of deposited mud are exposed at low tide
Graph which shows the discharge of a river, relative to rainfall over a period of time
Hard engineering
Using concrete or artificial structures to defend against natural processes
Quantity of water that passes a given point in a period of time
Soft engineering
Managing erosion by working with natural processes to reduce flooding
Drainage basin
An area of land drained by a river & and itβs tributaries
V shaped valley
At its source a river forms a v shaped valley as it erodes downward
When river discharge exceeds river capacity and spills onto the flood plain