Geography Exam S1 Flashcards
What are some differences between the UK and Kenya?
The UK has fewer people.
The death rates in the UK are less.
99% of people go to school while only 75% do in Kenya.
Where do most people in Kenya live?
They live in the southwest.
What are the three main cities in Kenya, which have high population density?
Nairobi, Mombasa and Kericho.
Why do Kenyans have more children than people in the UK?
Because of a higher infant mortality rate, babies are more likely to die when they are young. This means that Kenyans have more children to make sure that they have children at all. The birth rates are higher for these families. This is not the case in the UK, where we have a low infant mortality rate.
Why is the population in Kenya so spread out?
The rural areas like the northeast are sparsely populated because there is little rain ad difficult to grow crops, while the urban areas, like the cities Nairobi and Kericho, are cooler and on higher land.
What are the four “push” factors that send people out of the countryside?
Lack of jobs
Jobs are poorly paid
Farming the land is very difficult
Few schools and doctors
What are the four “pull” factors that pull people to Nairobi?
Prospect of jobs
Entertainment and night-life
Better services
Better living standards?
What happens when they arrive in Nairobi?
There are few jobs and houses, and they are forced to build their own houses in poor areas called shanty towns. The largest shanty town in Nairobi is Kibera.
Why don’t the poice go into Kibera after 8pm.
There is too much gang violence and drug abuse fo theme to handle.
What are the diseases in the Kibera slums?
Diseases such as cholera and typhoid.
What is unusual about a lot of people in Kibera?
Despite their hardship, they are resilient, hard-working and smile t give their children hope, although some have lost all hope.
How many people live in Kibera per square mile?
1 million!
What kind of people are the Maasai?
The Maasai are semi-nomadic people, which means they have no fixed home, but move around from place to place.
What are the problems of the Maasai huts?
They have no chimneys for smoke to escape, are less than 2m tall, and only have a small hole for light and air.
What do Maasai men wear?
Brightly coloured blankets.
What do Maasai women wear?
Women shave their heads and wear beads around their necks, wrists and ankles.
Why are cows important to the Maasai?
They are used for trading and food, as they eat cows blood mixed with milk.
What are the gender roles in the Maasai tribe?
Women collect sticks for firewood and water for cooking.
Men spend all day guarding the animals.
What do the Maasai believe about the ground?
They believe the ground is sacred. This is why they don’t grow crops or dig wells.
It also means that dead animals and people are not buried but left for wild animals to eat.
What is Kenya’s top industry and export?
What types of industry do Kenya employ?
Primary and secondary, this means they extract raw materials and process and manufacture things using the raw materials.
What is the first step of the tea making process?
What is the second step of the tea-making process?
Rolling and shredding
What is the third step of the tea-making process?
Fermentation .
What is the fourth step of the tea-making process?
What is the fifth step of the tea-making process?
Sieving and Grading
What is the sixth and final step of the tea-making process?
What is the climate on tea farms?
The climate is cooler, damper and healthier than other parts of Kenya.
What must happen before the tea is planted?
Before tea is planted the land must be cleared of vegetation
How much of Kenya’s income are flower sales worth?
What type of workers are most flower workers?
Most are ‘casual’ so they do not get benefits and can be fired at any time.
What happens when female workers become pregnant?
They get sacked on the spot.
What is the pay of a Kenyan flower worker?
£1 per day.
What is it like for the flower workers?
Workers start at 7am and cut 1,000 roses per hour.
How much money do the farms earn?
20% of the year’s income is earned in just ten days. However, large foreign companies own almost 90% of all flower farms so most of their money does not stay in Kenya.
What are the problems facing the flower industry?
It is blamed for falling water levels in the Rift Valley Lakes. There are also worries that fertilisers and pesticides are leaking into underground water, lakes and springs.
What have the farms done to improve the working conditions?
They have signed up to the Kenyan Flower Council, which are enforcing the Fairtrade Code of Practise.
Why are most of the flowers sent abroad?
Because Kenya does not celebrate Valentine’s Day.
When did the first Fairtrade flowers go on sale?
In Teco in February 2004, for £5 and £8 bouquets.
How many tourists visited Kenya in 2017?
More than a million, spending over $1 billion. Over 200,000 of those visitors were from Britain.