Geography Flashcards
All of the gases that surround the earth
The variety of living organisms (I.e. plants, animals, bacteria and fungi) found in an environment
Biological Pollutant
A term used to describe the negative effects of invasive species (such as bacteria, parasites and invasive plants and animals) that do harm to an environment
A large area of the earth that is home to similar plant and animal communities that have adapted to a particular environment over time (e.g. desert, forest, grassland)
What are the 7 Key Concepts of Geography?
The 7 Key Concepts of Geography are:
- Space
- Place
- Interconnection
- Change
- Environment
- Scale
- Sustainability
A Key Concept in Geography: the dynamic nature of all processes on earth, whether fast or slow, small or large
Chemical Pollutants
A term used to describe a range of heavy metals, oils, pesticides, industrial chemicals and salts that do harm in the environment
Child Mortality Rate
A measure of the number of deaths among children under five years per 1000 children born
Climate Change
A change in global or regional climate patterns; in particular a change apparent from the mid to late 20th century onwards and attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels
The removal of trees and other plant life from a forested area, either by cutting down or burning; usually carried out to clear the land for farming
The statistical data of a population or of particular groups within a population, especially those related to average age, gender, income, education level, etc
The laying down of solid material that has been eroded and transported from another part of the earth’s surface
The transformation of fertile land into relatively dry desert
Developed country
An industrialised country with a well-developed economy and relatively high standard of living that is able to support the needs of its citizens
Developing Country
A non-industrialised (largely agriculture) country with a relatively fragile economy and low standard of living that is not always able to support the needs of its citizens
(Adjective) describes a range of issues relating to employment, income and trade
A complex community made up of living organisms that interact with each other and with their environment; an abbreviation for ‘ecological system’
A Key Concept in Geography: a specific place on earth and all the things, both animate and inanimate, that are there
The wearing away of the earth’s surface by wind, water or ice
Fertility Rate
A statistical measure of the average number of children that all women in a particular area or population will have throughout the course of their lives; expressed as births per 1000 women
Food Insecurity
A term used to describe a condition in which not all people have access to enough safe nutritious food to sustain a healthy life
Food Insecurity
A term used to describe a condition in which all people at all times have access to enough safe nutritious food to sustain a healthy life