geography Flashcards
- what forces shape coastal landscapes?
constant movements of water and wind carve coastal landscapes into an amazing variety of shapes.
what can coastal landforms be formed by?
Coastal landforms can be formed in two different ways, either by erosion ( the wearing away of the land by waves and wind) or deposition ( the building up of land through deposits of sand and other materials
what is an arch and how is it formed?
an arch is a naturaul feature, usually formed from rock, that forms a bridge like structure arc as a reasult of erosion.
what is a spit?
a spit is a curved build-up of eroded materials that forms at a mouth of a river
What is swash?
Swash is the movement of water up the face of a beach after it has broken.
explain the process of urbansation
the process of social and economic change that takes place as increasing numbers of people move from rural areas (e.g. farms) to urban areas (e.g. cities).
What is a tombolo?
A tombolo is a deposit of sand linking and island to mainland ( or another island), formed by longshore drift.
explain the process of longshore drift and draw a diagram
longshore drift or LSD is the process which moves sediment in a zigzag patern along the beach by swash and backwash of the waves approaching the shore at an angle
explain what constructive waves do
constructive waves is a gentle wave that deposits materials and builds up beaches
explain waht destructive waves do
destructive waves are a strong wave that wears away the coasts and removes materials
what is a headland?
a steep cliff juutting out into the sea
name some hard engineering done to make our beaches more appealing and a bit about them ( 3) of them.
groynes : a man-made barrier that juts out from the beach into the water, made to prevent erosion of the beach from the power of destructive waves and longshore drift.
Off shore breakwater: a wall that is built into the sea to prevent erosion.
Sea wall: a wall built close along a shoreline to prevent erosion of damage done by destructive waves.
is a physical landform manmade or not explain your answer
a physical feature is not man made as natraul procesess occur
what is a cultural landscape?
it is man made landscape
is a mountain cultural or physical ?