Geography Flashcards
The abundant gases in Earth’s present-day atmosphere (by volume) are?
Nitrogen and Oxygen
Every atmospheric CO2 concentration have __ over the years 100
Which gas in the upper atmosphere shields Earth’s surface from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays?
The air pressure at the summit of Mount Everest is higher than the air pressure at sea level
Tiny sonid or liquid particles of various compositions that are suspended at the atmosphere are called?
The trasnfer to heat from a molecule to molecule within a substance is called?
The heat energy related when water vapor changes to a liquid is called the latent heat of?
During atmospheric convection, rising air bubbles are called?
Electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths between 0.4 and .07 micrometers is called?
Visible Light
The wavelengths of radiation that an object emits depend primarily on the object’s?
The primary source of water vapor and carbon dioxide for Earth’s early atmosphere was most likely?
Clouds often form in?
Rising air in the center of a low pressure area
Air density greater in the Upper or Lower atmosphere?
Which area would you expect to have smaller minimal temperature ranges
Coastal Cities
The largest annual range of temperature is found at
Polar Latitudes over land
Cold and cloudy nights are warmer than cold and clear nights because?
Clouds absorb outgoing infrared energy and radiate it back to the surface
Two cities can have the same mean annual temperature but different mean annual ranges of temperature
What is the primary source of energy for Earth’s Atmosphere
What is the Scientific method
A method in which it is used to predict why something is happening. Observation/question, Research Topic, Hypothesis, Test Experiment, Analyze Data, Report Conclusions.
List seven common weather elements
Air Temperature, Humidity, Type and Amount of Clouds, Type and Amount of Precipitation, Air Pressure, Wind Speed and Direction.
How does weather differ from climate
Weather differs from climate because weather is used to refer over short-term weather, while climate is used to refer to long-term weather.
Define meteorology and discuss the origin.
The study of the atmosphere. The term dates back to Greek philosopher Aristotle who wrote a book around 340 BCE.
Rank the following storms in size from largest to smallest: Hurricane, Tornado, Middle-latitude cyclonic storm, Thunderstorm.
- Tornado 2.Mid-Latittude Cyclonic Storm 3.Hurricane 4.Thunderstorm.
When someone says that “the wind direction today is south” does this mean that the wind is blowing toward the South or from the South?
From the South
Weather in the middle latitudes tends to move in what general direction?
Clockwise and outward from the center of high-pressure areas, and counterclockwise and inward toward the center of low-pressure areas.
Describe at least six features observed on a surface weather map
fronts, thunderstorms, rain, wind direction, wind speed, and centers of high and low pressures.
How has Earth’s atmosphere changed over time?
It was first made up of hydrogen and helium. Second atmosphere came from the the gases of the molten rock at Earth’s core eventually releasing water vapor that turned into clouds.
List the four most abundant gases in today’s atmosphere.
Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, Carbon Dioxide/Water Vapor.
Of the four most abundant gases in our atmosphere, which one shows the grates variation from place to place at Earth’s surface?
Water Vapor
Explain how the atmosphere “protects” inhabitants at Earth’s surface.
The Earth’s atmosphere protects us from the Sun’s ultraviolet rays which are broken down from the ozone layer.
What are some of the important roles that water plays in our atmosphere?
Water in the atmosphere is a form of greenhouse effect it helps trap heat to keep our plant warm preventing it from freezing.
Briefly explain the production and natural destruction of carbon dioxide near Earth’s surface. Gave two reasons for the increase of carbon dioxide over the past 100 plus years.
We humans breath out carbon dioxide after braething in oxygen, then plants photsythesize by absorbing carbon dioxide and creating oxygen. Carbon Dioxide is also made through fuel combustion, volcanic activity. One reason is the burning of fossil fuels, Another reason is deforestation with less trees and plants there aren’t many things to remove carbon dioxide.
What are some of the aerosols in the atmosphere?
dust, soil, saltwater drops, smoke, fine ash from volcanoes.
what are the two most abundant greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere?
Water Vapor and Carbon Dioxide
Explain the concept of air pressure in terms of weight of air above some level.
The pressure exerted by the mass of air above any given point
Why does air pressure always decrease with increasing height above the surface.
gravity holds in the atmosphere, the further from the surface the weaker the hold of air molecules is.
What is standard atmospheric pressure at sea level in, inches of mercury, millibars, and hectopascals
29.92 in Hg, 1013.25 mb, 1013.25 hPa
One the basis of temperature, list the layers of the atmosphere from the lowest layer to the highest.
Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere.
What atmospheric layer contains all of our weather?
The Troposphere
In what atmospheric layer do we find the highest concentration of ozone? The highest average temperature?
Stratosphere and Thermosphere
Briefly describe how the air temperature changes from Earth’s surface to the lower thermosphere
in the troposphere and the mesosphere the temperature has a lapse rate, while in the stratosphere and thermosphere there is a temperature inversion
Above what region of the world would you find the ozone hole?
Even though the actual concentration of oxygen is close to 21 percent (by volume) in the upper stratosphere, explain why, without proper breathing apparatus, you would not be able to survive there.
The atmosphere is so thin that oxygen molecules are spread apart much more making each breath much less oxygen than if you where more near the surface.
What is ionosphere and where is it located?
an electrified region where fairly large concentrations of ions and free electrons exist, upper atmosphere. Outside of the Thermosphere.
Distinguish between temperature and heat
Temperature is the measure of the average speed of molecules. While heat is the process of energy being transferred.
How does the average speed (motion) of air molecules relate to the air temperature.
It relates to the air temperature because if its warmer the molecules in the air are moving fast and are farther apart becoming less dense.
Explain how heat is transferred in our atmosphere by conduction, convection, radiation
In conduction heat is transferred from molecule to molecule. Heat always flows from warmer to colder regions. In convection heat transfers in liquids or gasses. Radiation is the transfer of heat from the sun waves not needing solid, liquid, or gases.
What is latent heat? How is latent heat an important source of atmospheric energy?
Latent heat is the change between states of liquid, solid, and gas. It is an important source of atmospheric energy because water which is largely affected with latent heat is a potent greenhouse gas. Which means water absorbs Earth’s outgoing radiant energy.
How does Kelvin temperature scale differ from the Celsius scale?
The temperature of 0K is equal to -273C.
How does the amount of radiation emitted by Earth differ from that emitted by the sun?
The earth emits radiation at much longer wavelengths between 5 and 25um. While the sun is 2um
How does the temperature of an object influence the radiation it emits?
The higher the temperature the faster the molecules vibrate, the shorter are the wavelengths of emitted radiation.
How do the wavelengths of most of the radiation emitted by the sun differ from those emitted by the surface of Earth?
the sun emits maximum amount of radiation at wavelengths about 0.5um. Earth emits its maximum a radiation at wavelengths of about 10um.
When a body reaches a radiative equilibrium temperature, what is taking place?
What is taking place is the body is absorbing at the same rate at which it is being emitted.
Why are carbon dioxide and water vapor called selective absorbing green house gases?
Because they allow most of the Sun’s radiation to reach the surface.
List four important greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere
Carbon Dioxide, Water Vapor, Methane, and Nitrous Oxide.
Explain how Earth’s atmospheric greenhouse effect works
The atmospheric greenhouse effect works by absorbing long wave radiation allowing shortwave radiation to pass keeping Earth warmer.
What greenhouse gases appear to be responsible for the enhancement of Earth’s greenhouse effect?
The greenhouse gas is Carbon Dioxide.
Why does the albedo of earth and its atmosphere average about 30 percent
This is because 4 % is reflected off of Earth’s surface, 20% from clouds, and 6% from the scattering at the atmosphere.
How is the lower atmosphere warmed from the surface upward.
The lower atmosphere is warmed from the incoming shortwave radiation heating up the surface. The air closest to the surface is then warmed due ti convection, leading to convective circulation that carry warm air up above the surface
In the Northern Hemisphere, why are summers warmer than winters even though Earth is actually closer to the sun in January?
This is because during the summer in the Northern Hemisphere the Earth’s axis of rotation causes the Northern Hemisphere to get hit directly from the sun.
What are the main factors that determine seasonal temperature variations?
Latitudes, Land-sea contrast, Ocean Currents, and Elevation
If it is winter and January in New York City, what is the season and month in Sydney Australia?
It is summer