Geography Flashcards
A large fast-growing type of grass that forms stiff, strong stems
A long lasting, renewable resource that when used does not damage the environment
Sustainable resource
A part of the natural environment E.g. trees or the ocean that absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
Carbon sink
The removal of material by natural processes E.g. wind and rain
Soil erosion
The cultivation of a single crop in a given area
This is the number of miles that food has travelled from producer to consumer
Food miles
A biome dominated by trees which lose their leaves seasonally
Deciduous forest
A community of plants and animals that interact with each other and their physical landscape
A diagram that shows the connections between different organisms (plants and animals) that rely upon each other as their source of food
Food chain
A diagram that shows a complex hierarchy of organisms (plants and animals) that rely on each other for food
Food web
An organism or plant that is able to absorb energy from the sun through photosynthesis
Is an organism that eats other animals and/or plant matter
Is an organism such as bacteria or fungi that breaks down plant and animal matter
An animal that is adapted to feed on plant material, for example foliage or the marine algae, for the main component of its diet
An animal that can feed on both plant and animals
A large-scale ecosystem eg. tropical rainforest
A large-scale ecosystem that has long hot summers, with little rainfall
Mediterranean Biome
A sudden flood that usually occurs due to heavy rain
Flash flood
This is an underwater ecosystem made up of a ridge or mound of coral
Coral reef
This is a tiny plant-like organism that provides food for coral
This forms in shallow water close and parallel to the coast
Fringing reef
This was originally a fringing reef but is now surrounded by deeper water to sea level rise
Barrier reef
This is a ring-shaped reef surrounded by deep water in the middle of the ocean
Coral atoll
This is the amount of SALt contained in something
This is when CORAL forces out the algae living in it as a result of higher water temperatures leaving the coral white
CORAL bleaching
A built up area such as a town or city
An area of countryside
The development of INDUSTRy such as manufacturing in a country or region on a large scale
When an increasing percentage of a country’s population comes to live in towns and cities
The spreading of a built up area onto Greenfield sites
Urban growth
This is the number of this is the number of miles that food has travelled from producer to consumer
Food miles
The general direction or pattern of something
This is the standard of health comfort and happiness experienced by an individual or group
Quality of life
Is the total value of goods produced and services provided in a country during one year
A city with a population of over 10 million people
A reason why people want to move to a place e.g. job opportunities
Pull factor
A reason that people want to move away from a place E.g. poor healthcare
Push factors
A squalid and overcrowded urban street or district inhabited by very poor people
An area of quality houses with no or limited services water supply, electricity and sewerage
Squatter settlement
The movement of people from an area of countryside to a built-up area
Rural to urban migration
A country with GNI per capita lower than $1045
Countries that have begun to experience high rates of economic development usually along with rapid industrialisation
A country with a GNI per capita higher than £12,746
a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something with the potential to improve quality of life
A set of circumstances that makes it difficult to do something with the potential to decrease quality of life
Differences between poverty and health as well as well-being and access to jobs, housing, education etc
The provision of drainage and sewers
Conditions caused by microorganisms transmitted within water eg. cholera
Waterborne disease
Conditions relating to public health especially the provision of cleaning drinking water and adequate sewage disposal