Geography Flashcards
How do coasts change?
Natural processes and human impacts.
Effects of coastal degradation
The effects of coastal degradation are varied, and can include the loss of plants and animal species, or the arrival of invasive species that can permanently effect biodiversity in the area.
What are inputs and outputs?
Inputs are energy or matter entering the coast and outputs are energy and matter which leave the coast.
What happens if the inputs are greater than the outputs?
Dunes and spits increase in size and the coast grows outwards.
What happens if the outputs are greater than the inputs?
Landforms decrease in size and the coast retreats.
What are the four spheres that interact with each other to create unique landscapes?
Atmosphere - gas surrounding the earth
Biosphere - all living things on earth
Hydrosphere - all the water on earth
Lithosphere - the crust
Define anthropogenic coasts.
Coasts where human activity and influence have become the dominant force.
What is the main concern of global warmings impact on coasts.
The main concern of global warming is rising sea levels.
What is coastal squeeze?
Coastal squeeze is when the rising waters forces plants and people to retreat further inland leaving a thin strip of the coast.
What is land reclamation?
Land that has been built by humans in water from rocks, rubbish and silt.
What is beach nourishment?
Beach nourishment is the replacement of sand that has been removed by erosion.
What is managed retreat?
It involves relocation of human settlements and hard engineering so that natural processes can take place.
How does a sea wall work?
They protect land and buildings from erosion and lessen the risk of coastal flooding.
Disadvantages of a sea wall
Very expensive, reflects rather than absorbs wave energy so it may continue to cause erosion elsewhere.
How does a groyne work?
Absorb energy of waves and allows the build up of sand.
Disadvantages of a groyne
They can be expensive to maintain and ruin the appearance of the beach.
Impacts of rising sea temperatures
The water is heating up to a temperature that coral can not survive in.
Impacts of rising sea levels
It can impact homes, increase erosion, increase flooding, destruction fresh water sources and increased chance of big storms.
Impacts of ocean acidification
Carbon dioxide is absorbed into the ocean reducing the amount of carbonate in the water which is essential for corals to grow.
Impacts of extreme weather events
They pose serious threats to the reef as well as humans.
Hard vs soft engineering
Hard engineering refers to the building of structures such as sea walls. Soft engineering use natural processes.
Definition of wellbeing
Geographers define wellbeing as the ability of people to access the things they need in order to live happy, healthy and contented lives.
How does wealth impact wellbeing?
Access to basic necessities is largely determined by wealth. The more money you have the greater access you have.