Géographie test l'EU Flashcards
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First 6 countries in the EU
France, Allemagne, Italie, Luxembourg, Belgique, and Pays-Bas en 1958
How many members currently?
28 countries
How many people live in the EU?
environ 513 million
What does the EU maintain?
paix (peace)
Last country to enter EU
Le Croatie entré dans l’UE July 1, 2013
How large is EU?
environ 4.5 millions de km^2
When did CECA start?
At the end of a long process in 1951 with the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community. (6 countries)
What are the 3 pillars?
- pilier communautaire (free communities)
- politique étrangère et de sécurité commune (european community for atomic energy and security)
- coopération policière et judiciaire (police and justice)
What happened in 1951?
The birth of CECA (coal/steel) between the six countries founders (Belgium, Republique Féderale Allemande RFA, France, Pays-Bas, Luxembourg, Italie).
now 9 members (Danemark, Royaume-Uni, Irlande)
1st mediterranean group, now 12 members (Grèce, Espagne, Portugal)
Treaties in Rome started a common market
The treaty of Maastricht forms the EU.
now 15 members (Autriche, Finlande, Suède)
Mise en circulation de l’euro (euros in circulation)