Geog In Everyday Life - Topic 3 (GI) Flashcards
Why quantitative data followed by qualitative data
Identify patterns and trends -> examine the patterns and trends observed
Why qualitative followed by quantitative data
Make observations -> verify them
Limitations when carrying out GI
Time available
Access to places
Availability of equipment
Risks and mitigation measures
Falls, cuts, minor injuries: proper footwear and clothing + take note of potential hazards (uneven surfaces, steep steps, jagged rocks)
Traffic accidents, collisions with cyclists: take note of local traffic hazards, road crossing procedures + avoid collecting data on road or in path of cyclists)
Encounter with wildlife?
Sampling methods
Probability: simple random, stratified random
Non-probability: convenience, quota
Probability sampling
Randomly selected
Random no. generator or die
Removes bias
More representative
Non-probability sampling + when it’s used
Non-randomly selected, subjectively selected
May be biased
Not representative, hard to make generalisations
Used when:
Unnecessary to select representative sample
Conduct quickly
Stratified random sampling
Categories/criterion based on …
age, sex, ethnicities etc
Proportionate makeup to population
Types of scales
Ranking (compare items, less than 10 for reliable data, large scales, participants don’t have strong opinions abt items ranked in the middle)
Purpose/function of mental maps
Collect primary data on ppl perception of places in their minds
Benefits and limitations of free-form mental maps
More representative of participants geographical imagination of places compared to use of labelled base maps
Not easily georeferenced, not easily mapped onto GIS Geographical Information System
(+) & (-) of Mean
Includes every value
Influenced by outliers
(+) & (-) of median
Less affected by outliers
Not as sensitive as mean in showing central location of data in data set
(+) & (-) of mode
Useful for categorical data
Not very useful for continuous data (two or more values may share the highest frequency) e.g. temp
Aspects of mental maps
Centering and borders
Scale of map elements
Colours, legends and symbols
Perspective and orientation
Other features
2S 2C 2L OP