GEOG 281 Final Flashcards
What is GIS and how is it different from things such as google maps?
a method that utilizes specialized software to analyze spatial data, it is different because of its use of databases
What are the components of GIS?
people, data, procedures, hardware, and software
What are the distinguishing features of GIS?
use of spatially referenced data, graphical and attribute input and editing, selective spatial analysis tools, and map and report generation
What are the origins of GIS?
first GIS map - cave paintings of animal migration routes
first GIS analysis - John Snow 1854 Cholera map
what are the applications of GIS?
mature technologies (cartography), management and decision-making groups (urban planning), science and research activities
Why is GIS so important?
geography is part of our everyday world, every decision we face is influenced by geography, lots of government is based off of geography
How do we represent reality?
data models, a mathematical construct for representing geographic objects or surfaces as data
What are some basic spatial data models?
vector and raster
What are the advantages of vector?
more aesthetically pleasing, no data conversion required, accurate geographic location of data maintained, efficient coding of topography
What are the disadvantages of vector?
locations of each vertex need stored explicitly, must be converted into topological structure for analysis, algorithms are complex, continuous data is not represented properly, spatial analysis within polygons is impossible
what are the disadvantages of raster?
cell size determines data resolution, difficult to represent linear features depending on cell resolution, hard to process large datasets, more processing requirements, do not conform to high quality needs
what are the advantages of raster?
geographic location of each cell is implied, data analysis is easy and quick, suited for mathematical modeling, shows discrete and continuous data well, compatible with raster-based output devices
What is vector data composed of?
points, lines, polygons/area
How does raster data work?
makes use of pixels, each raster cell only contains one discrete value
what is a map?
a representation of a selection of material or abstract features on, or in relation to, the surface of the earth
What are the two broad categories of maps?
topographic map - a reference map tool, which shows many natural and cultural geographic features
thematic map - displays spatial pattern of a theme or species of attributes
what is map scale and how does it work?
the ratio between distances on the map and corresponding distances in the real world
large scale - shows a smaller region with greater detail
small scale - shows a larger region with less detail
how do we map the earth?
with geographic coordinate systems
what are map datums?
a mathematical formula that combines an ellipsoid and its geoid fit to surveyed control points
what are different ways we categorize map projections
distortion, shape, aspect
what are the different map projections by distortion
equivalence (area), equidistance (scale and distances), and conformity (angles and shapes)
what are the different map projections by shape
cylindrical (cylinder), conic (cone), azimuth or planar (plane)
what are the different map projections by aspect
normal (parallel), transverse (perpendicular), oblique (other)
which is latitude and which is longitude
latitude - horizontal
longitude - vertical