geog 209 Flashcards
Air Pressure
Pressure is force applied per unit area
Density is mass per unit volume
Gas law (P=TpC)
Vertical Comp of atmosphere
Energy 2 types
Changing internal energy requires ‘work’ & everything else.
Internal stored energy
Kinetic ( movement relative to centre of mass )
Potential ( Energy that holds bonds together)
Energy transfer types
Conduction-when molecules collide and transfer heat
Convection heat by fluid ( water or air vertically)
Advection (by transport i.e. wind horizontally)
Radiation ( electromagnetic waves )
Radiation laws
Radiant energy (electromagnetic radiation from sun)
Stefan boltzmann’s law (Proportional energy emitted to temp)
Weins law
Kirchhoff’s Law
good absorbers are good emitters, and poor absorbers are poor emitters
Earths radiative balance
- Earth emits long term radiation
- Water vapour condenses releasing heat
- Air in contact with earth gains energy
- Balance between incoming shortwave and emitted long wave
Sources : inversion
Mitigation: wind, heat
- Evaporating and Condensing molecules are equal
- Impacted by temp ( easier with cold air)
- Water vapour required to saturate air at any temp
Dew Point Definition
temperature to which the air would be cooled (with no change in water vapour or air pressure) for saturation to occur
Measures of humidity
Absolute: mass of water vapour per volume of air
Specific (mass of water vapour per total mass of air (kg/g)
Saturation, Mixing, Vapour
Pressure types
Partial pressure: total pressure inside a parcel due to molecule collisions
Vapour pressure: atmospheric pressure exerted by water vapour
Saturation vapour pressure: total pressure when saturation ( more temp needs more water for saturation)
Formation of dew and frost
- Clear
- Cool ground
- Air at dew point
- White frost forms on freezing surface past dew point
- Formed on condensation nuclei by cooling air below saturation point or by evaporation and mixing
- Maintained by new droplets forming
Fog Types - Mixing fog from two air pockets of different temps
- Upslope fog air rises cools and forms fog
- Advection fog Warm air moving over cold surface such as ocean
- Radiation fog (moist air with cold ground
Fog Mitigation - Warm fog
Basic cloud types
Basic types of clouds
* Cirrus ( wispy)
* Stratus (layer)
* Cumulus (puffy)
* Nimbus (rain cloud)
Cloud classifications
High clouds (Cirrus)
- Thin
- Ice
- Elevation
Middle clouds (Cirrostratus)
- Water droplets
- Puffer
- 1k thick or less
Nimbostratus - low clouds
- Blanket of clouds low down in atmosphere
- Can be one thick layer
Clouds with vertical development (cumulus)
- Fair weather
- Puffs of cotton
- Typical short duration
- Height changes
Lenticular clouds
* Air forced up creates cloud
* Flat and rounded like a ufo/saucer
* Created by air moving over cloud