Geochem key datas Flashcards
What are the pyrolysis Tmax parameters for Immature, early mature, mature (oil window), late mature, wet gas and post mature?
Immature - 400-430 degrees Early mature - 430-440 degrees Mature - 440-450 degrees Late mature - 450-460 degrees Wet gas 460-480 degrees Post mature 480+ degrees
What are the Vitrinite Ro parameters for Immature, early mature, mature (oil window), late mature, wet gas and post mature?
Immature - 0.2-0.5 Early mature - 0.5-0.7 Mature - 0.7-1.0 Late mature - 1.0-1.3 Wet gas - 1.3-2.0 Post mature - 2.0+
What are the HI values for gas, gas and oil, oil and gas and oil?
Gas - 0-200
Gas and oil - 200-400
Oil and gas - 400-600
Oil - 600+
Define the values of S2 yield that indicate poor, fair, good and rich source potential
Poor - 0-2 kg/ton
Fair - 2-5 kg/ton
Good - 5-10 kg/ton
Rich - > 10 kg/ton
What type of hydrocarbon would be produced from amorphous, algal, herbaceous and exinite?
What type of hydrocarbon would be produced from vitrinite and inertinite?
Vitrinite - gas
Inertinite - dry gas (limited)
What are the TOC values for poor, fair, good, very good and excellent generation potential in shales?
Poor: 0 - 0.5 Fair: 0.5 - 1 Good: 1 - 2 Very good: 2 - 5 Excellent: > 5.0
What depositional environments are suggested by
- Pr Ph
- Pr nC18 and Pr nC17, Ph Ph
- Aquatic: Lacustrine, shallow marine
- Reducing/hypersaline
- Terrestrial